One easy swap is to ditch single use coffee cups for a reusable travel mug. The benefits are obvious, and not only because they reduce the 2.5 billion cups we collectively throw away each year; they’re designed to keep your chosen beverage hotter for longer and our top picks are easy to...
For hot beverages, warm up the inside of the travel mug by pouring hot water (it can from the tap) into the mug, letting it sit for a couple of minutes, and empty the mug. Then, add your coffee or hot beverage. For cold drinks, cool the inside by pouring in water and adding a ...
Whether you fancy a classic apple cider based beverage, or fancy a tequila tipple, these autumn cocktails will have you covered for the best season of the year.
With or without handles, sleek tumblers, ceramic—our travel pros live by these go-anywhere essentials.
Heat Reactive Ceramic Mug Drink hot beverage while creating magic by using heat reactive ceramic mug. The mug design changes to bold dark color with heat. $13.81Plug Mug Remove the detachable plug from the mug, now no one can drink from it. Thus ensuring clean drinking habits and healthy ...
We found the best electric coffee mug warmers to ensure you never have a tepid cup of coffee ever again. Our editor-tested and approved picks are right here.
Reviews of the best travel coffee mugs of the year from CNET based on several tests. From brands like Yeti to Kinto and more, these mugs will keep your beverage hot for hours,
Welcome the impending inches of snow with a marshmallow-laden treat in your favorite mug. These best hot chocolate makers are here to help you brave winter.
A double wall titanium backpacking mug does not require handles. The vacuum seal is insulative enough to allow use of the mug by holding the side walls. However, when your beverage is at its very hottest shortly after pouring the boiling water, it may still be too hot to hold, but in ...
Created by Nick Korbee, executive chef and beverage director atEgg Shop in New York City Courtesy of Industry Kitchen Formula 70 Ingredients 5 or 6 blueberries, muddled 2 oz blanco tequila .5 oz orange liqueur .5 oz simple syrup 1 oz lime juice ...