RELATED:The 10 Best Low-Budget Horror Movies, According to Reddit Despite the hotel manager's (Samuel L. Jackson) warnings, Mike enters the room determined to spend the night and document his experience. What follows is a reality-bending nightmare, as the room itself seems to come alive, to...
Directed byTakashi Miike, this compelling 1990s slow-burn is equal parts brutal and disturbing, with some graphic, gory scenes towards the end. According toOne-Most-3815, who commented under a "foreign horror film recommendations" discussion,Auditionis "the best." Furthermore, several other Reddi...
Also ranks #2 on The Best Horror Movies About Airplanes Also ranks #3 on The 14 Best Action Movies Set In Miami That Bring The Heat 16 The Invitation 2015 27 votes A tense and unnerving psychological thriller, The Invitation follows a man who attends a dinner party hoste...
Demon Knightmay not be the first slasher film that comes to mind for horror fans, but a few Redditors are quick to call Jerilyne their favorite final girl, regardless. Redditoreatyourchildren101says that "Jerilyne from Demon Knight" always comes to mind, to whichGrvyrdGhstadds, "Jeryline...
A horror/FPS/RPG hybrid set aboard a stricken starship that would go on to inspire the much more well-known yet not nearly as clever BioShock series. System Shock 2 is perhaps most famous for its sinister AI antagonist, Shodan. Artificial intelligences going rogue is a common element of cyb...
We think Reddit said it best: “Think of Jack'd as that one gay bar across town that's not in the main gay neighborhood and is open to everybody but preferred by people of color.” TopicsLGBTQ How we tested We regularly test dating platforms to deliver the most accurate, up-to-date...
The company also offers other genres, such as Paranormasight (a horror-visual novel) and FFBE War of the Visions (a strategy RPG). Some newer titles include the Pixel Remasters of Final Fantasy I through VI, which are quite good, along with Paranormasight and Voice of Cards: The Beasts...
"Archive 81" provides a fresh mix of character-driven drama and jump-scare horror — two things that shouldn't go together at all. It even manages to make a use of found-footage work, even though that should be played out by now. Unfortunately, it joined the ranks of Netflix's cancel...
There are many reasons why the LitRPG genre has become so popular, but some of the key factors include its ability to appeal to both gamers and non-gamers alike, as well as its mix of genres that can appeal to a wide range of readers. Also I recommend visiting theReddit LitRPG communi...
The series allowed modern horror auteur Jordan Peele and collaborator Keegan-Michael Key to break out as comedy geniuses. Not only do the two show the humor in the world through their bi-racial vantage points, but their takes on awkward masculinity are second to none. Cast: Jordan Peele, ...