RELATED:The 10 Best Low-Budget Horror Movies, According to Reddit Despite the hotel manager's (Samuel L. Jackson) warnings, Mike enters the room determined to spend the night and document his experience. What follows is a reality-bending nightmare, as the room itself seems to come alive, to...
Shocking and provocative, thisRobin Hardymystery horror is intense and atmospheric, with an impactful ending that will linger in the audience's minds for a while; it is also one of the best fromone of the horror genre's finest decades. "The original [The Wicker Man]," aRedditorrecommended...
Also ranks #4 on 11 Haunting Horror Musicals That Rock Both Genres 24 Nope 2022 23 votes Nope is a suspenseful and unnerving thriller that delves into the fear of the unknown and the power of suggestion, as a group of friends grapple with a series of inexplicable occurrenc...
The Biggest Mysteries Uncovered On Reddit The Best Unsolved Mystery Documentaries, Ranked Small Clues In Mystery Movies, Ranked By How Totally They Give Away ‘Whodunit’ The 105+ Best British Detective Series and TV Shows, Ranked The Strangest Solved Mysteries 'Unsolved Mysteries...
a movie had to have been released either theatrically or on VOD in 2018. We are not including any of the amazing horror films we watched at film festivals that have not yet been released. In addition, because it was such a strong year for horror films, we also listed some special mentio...
While the story has grown more convoluted with each progressive sequel and reboot, this first in the series has a clear, horror-movie simplicity that never loses its appeal. Also appealing? Sweaty Michael Biehn as Sarah's future-sent protector, as well as the gritty, neon-lit Los Angeles it...
After scouring Netflix for the best thrillers, best action flicks, best romantic comedies, best horror movies, best family films, and more, it's finally time for us to narrow down our streaming suggestions to the best movies, period. That's right — it's superhero sagas vs. biopics vs...
HorrorFuel Announces the Best Horror Series of 2024 It's that time of year again when we announce the best series of 2024. God knows we've watched a lot of tv this year and seen some great new shows. But we can't list all of them, so we've narrowed it down to our top five fa...
Read more: Netflix announces a new Cyberpunk animated series during Geeked Week The best top-down RPGs Baldur's Gate 3 (Image credit: Larian Studios / Dramatic-Baseball-37 on Reddit) Released: 2023 | Developer: Larian Studios | Steam No one game has united the PC Gamer team like Baldur...
Horror Explorer is a curated column showcasing October's best movies, series, books and everything else spooky worth checking out.