The Ganges River touches two stories in different ways as it meanders along its shores. The first story of this best Hindi movies on Hotstar revolves around a father and daughter who are haunted by the traditional architecture of their small town, while the second story follows the thoughts of...
Lust Stories is a Netflix original Hindi movie that features four different stories directed by Anurag Kashyap, Zoya Akhtar, Dibakar Banerjee, and Karan Johar. It also has a stellar cast, with the likes of Radhika Apte, Manisha Koirala, Vicky Kaushal, Neha Dhupia, and Sanjay Kapoor appearing ...
Here, we’ll shine a light on Netflix’s amazing trove of Hindi films. Featuring stories from many different genres, these Bollywood entries are part of an expanding canon of content thatNetflix is helping to shepherd and support.We’ve scoured the platform’s many selections, from current h...
Produced by Guillermo Del Toro, it received a rapturous reception when it premiered at the Cannes Film Festival and went on to delight horror fans and critics alike, becoming one of the 21st century’s most universally loved ghost stories. Belén Rueda turns in a spectacular and affecting ...
Origin story:Horror film origin stories come in a whole lot of forms. Some are the basis of the first (or only) film. Frequently, a series backtracks to an origin to keep the franchise alive.Godzilla— which was absolutely ahorror film upon its 1954 release— was such a potent origin ...
25 Best Horror Films of All Time (NSFW) | Underwire | WIREDJon Snyder
Netflix’s “Something Very Bad Is Going To Happen” Horror Series Enlists “Baby Reindeer” Director Movies1 day ago ‘The Night Time World’ Trailer Teases Four Tales of Terror in Lionsgate Horror Anthology Movies1 day ago ‘Saccharine’ – New Supernatural Body Horror Movie from ‘Relic...
Women and horror movies make for strange bedfellows — yet also simultaneously one of the most fruitful marriages in all of film. For a long time, horror across all mediums was very exclusionary, both in terms of gender and race. It most often still is, despite the fact that many margin...
Also Read:Horror Movies You Can Watch On Valentine’s Day 11. The Rite (2011) Like stories on exorcism and the devil? Based on the life of one of the most famous exorcists in America, Father Gary Thomas, this movie will scare the hell out of you. One piece of advice: Don’t try...
So, dive into our top picks for best Netflix action movies, the streamer's top animation, the best Netflix fantasy movies, sci-fi films, and the best Netflix horror movies, all listed in one place down below. Pick of the month The Fast and the Furious (Image credit: Universal Pictur...