Switchback is a gripping and twisty thriller that interweaves multiple storylines to tell the tale of an FBI agent on the hunt for a ruthless serial killer. Director Jeb Stuart expertly balances moments of nail-biting tension with deep character development, keeping the audience...
Switchback is a gripping and twisty thriller that interweaves multiple storylines to tell the tale of an FBI agent on the hunt for a ruthless serial killer. Director Jeb Stuart expertly balances moments of nail-biting tension with deep character development, keeping the audience...
With this in mind, Redditors recently got together onr/movies, the largest film subreddit, to discuss which low-budget horrors are the best of all. They came up with a ton of intriguing picks, from classics to obscure B-movies. What these moves lack in star power or slick effects they...
Serial killer Buffalo Bill is on the loose, and young FBI trainee Clarice Starling is trying to catch him. She has to enlist the help of another cannibalistic serial killer to give her some insight that could help her find him. And yes, this is the movie where the iconic line “Hello,...
killer, none are quite like this.The House that Jack Builtis nowhere near as accomplished as Michael Mann’sManhunteror Bryan Fuller’sHannibal, but it remains a work of art, and a film that will have you thinking and talking about, long after the credits roll. If you can stomach it, ...
After all, the film is in the mold of Only Angels Have Wings: a tight ensemble of flyboys and others rapidly firing off overlapping dialogue, providing wit and romance in between the action—here, the fallout from the discovery beneath a sheet of arctic ice of a killer extra-terrestrial. ...
“Don’t Move” (Debuting on Netflix on Oct. 25) — This Sam Raimi-produced cat and mouse thriller has a great hook: A killer (Finn Wittrock, “American Horror Story”) drugs a victim (Kelsey Asbille, “Yellowstone”) with a quick-working paralytic. She must escape him and find help...
The 1980s were the era of AHNOLD. Yet Austrian bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger achieved his mightiest flex when he stepped into the titular role of a merciless killer cyborg from a frightful future. In 1984 Los Angeles, waitress Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) is on the run from this manly ...
In the street below a hardboiled detective sighs over a corpse with a grossly distorted head, the latest victim of the Funko Pop Killer, while above a drone repeatedly blares, "A new life awaits you in the off-world crypto mines." Best of the best Best PC games: All-time favoritesFree...
TheStarVenge // reddit Who would win? The internet has taken the childhood game of “who would win” to a whole new level with this meme. Used topose hypothetical battlesbetween two opposing subjects, the “who would win” meme is said to have begun in 2014 when a 4chan user posted th...