RELATED:The 10 Best Low-Budget Horror Movies, According to Reddit Despite the hotel manager's (Samuel L. Jackson) warnings, Mike enters the room determined to spend the night and document his experience. What follows is a reality-bending nightmare, as the room itself seems to come alive, to...
Shocking and provocative, thisRobin Hardymystery horror is intense and atmospheric, with an impactful ending that will linger in the audience's minds for a while; it is also one of the best fromone of the horror genre's finest decades. "The original [The Wicker Man]," aRedditorrecommended...
Leah graduated from Penn State University in 2016 with dual degrees in Sociology and Media Studies. When she's not writing about shopping (or shopping online for herself), she's almost definitely watching a horror movie, "RuPaul's Drag Race," or "The Office." You can follow her on X ...
There are many reasons why the LitRPG genre has become so popular, but some of the key factors include its ability to appeal to both gamers and non-gamers alike, as well as its mix of genres that can appeal to a wide range of readers. Also I recommend visiting theReddit LitRPG communi...
Online dating as a gay man has its share of horror stories. It's also a rite of passage dating back to the Craigslist m4m era. It's a high-risk, high-reward activity. For members of the LGBTQ+ community, online dating presents a unique set of challenges, which can sour the experience...
This year has proved yet again that horror games do best when devs keep it small-scale The biggest gaming controversies of 2024 PC Gamer Hardware Awards: The best gaming SSD of 2024 VR gaming was one of my favourite hobbies of 2024 and it's because I've noticed myself using it as a ...
A horror/FPS/RPG hybrid set aboard a stricken starship that would go on to inspire the much more well-known yet not nearly as clever BioShock series. System Shock 2 is perhaps most famous for its sinister AI antagonist, Shodan. Artificial intelligences going rogue is a common element of cyb...
Horror Explorer is a curated column showcasing October's best movies, series, books and everything else spooky worth checking out.
The categories range from fairly general (i.e., anime, drama, and TV series) to extremely specific (i.e., movies for ages 5 to 7, teen comedies, and werewolf horror movies). With how quickly and easily they can be popped into a browser, they serve as a useful tool — in addition...
The series allowed modern horror auteur Jordan Peele and collaborator Keegan-Michael Key to break out as comedy geniuses. Not only do the two show the humor in the world through their bi-racial vantage points, but their takes on awkward masculinity are second to none. Cast: Jordan Peele, ...