January 25, 20251 Comment Looking to add the iconic phaser swirl into your guitar sound? See our best phaser… Read More Guitarsite’s Best Guitar Amp Attenuator Roundup 2025 January 21, 20252 Comments We all love the sound of a cranked amp, but we can’t play loud all… ...
I use Vermillion Amplifier almost in every project. The emulation of the amp itself, the reverb and the tremolo gives that familiar tone reminiscent of a guitar amp I love. Not to mention the microphone emulation which has the off-axis and phase function, which makes tonal shaping easy. Warm...
We also recommend getting a goodguitar standso you don’t have to put down your guitar on places where it can potentially be damaged. Having aguitar strapis a given if you’re planning on playing while standing. Finally, you’ll want to regularly clean your acoustic guitar, thankfully ther...
I agree that the aesthetics of the KC is beautiful, I only fear its behavior with guitar effects. The BA I find interesting the anti feedback, I read that it is better when more “air” it is needed(I suppose they refer to the high frequencies, which is important on the alto saxophon...
Welcome to the other side of the looking glass, folks, where the idea of the guitar amplifier is taken to its logical conclusion and finds itself magicked into a pair of technologically advanced headphones. What Boss have done here is quite remarkable, and won’t be to everyone’s taste, ...
This new version does away with the combination inputs, leaving just 1/4" jack inputs for your guitar on the front, and XLR inputs on the back should you want to mic up your amplifier or cabinet. Some may love this, but it could prove divisive if you perfer combi inputs on the fr...
Some manufacturers have integrated the amplifier component into the headphones. This allows you to plug the headphones straight into your electric guitar simply. Tweak the parameters to your liking, and play away. Newer designs can emulate a virtual space, recreating how an amp behaves in a real...
If you're looking for a more studio sound, take a look at the recommended studio monitors or a home set upright here. If you are among those who prefer to play solo don't worry about buying an acoustic guitar amplifier. On the other hand, if you're an acoustic guitar pro with upcomi...
This, however, is a guitar amplifier, totally wireless, by its very nature portable, and one of the most intriguing practice options we have seen in recent years. It looks like awireless system for guitar; just plug it into your guitar and you can access a dozen amp models from theMustan...
The Best Acoustic Guitar Amplifiers On The Market Best High End Best Budget Most Popular Fishman Loudbox Performer BT 180-Watt 1x5 Inches + 1x8 Inches Acoustic Combo Amp with Tweeter Roland MOBILE-AC Portable Battery Powered Acoustic Guitar Amplifier Fishman Loudbox Mini BT 60-Watt 1x6.5 In...