All these popular books on the Holocaust are sorted by popularity, so the highest rated books are at the top of the list. This well-researched Holocaust bibliography includes out-of-print titles and generally contains the most popular, famous, or otherwise notable books - fiction or non-...
There is also Courage to Dream: Tales of Hope in the Holocaust, a gripping historical fiction graphic novel that explores the Holocaust and Jewish cultural history. Use this resource guide to kick off important discussions about hope, resistance, courage, and history with your students. L...
Jacob Magellan Portman knows his grandfather Abraham has lived a fascinating life: not only did he survive the Holocaust, but he’s had brushes with supernatural predators and once kept company with a sentient bird. As Jacob gets older, he starts to grow skeptical towards the more… ahistorical...
Gr 9 Up–Jewish teen Rieke’s happy life in Romania changes in horrible, unimaginable ways during the Holocaust in this compelling novel based on Arnold’s grandmother’s experiences. It’s a heartbreaking, exquisitely written exploration of the bonds of sisterhood, love, and morality amid persec...
It’s up to one man, a Holocaust survivor, to extinguish this ancient evil before they do any more harm. 38. Ring by Kōji Suzuki (1991) Buy on Amazon Add to library The premise is a modern-twist on a classic trope: there is a videotape that warns viewers they will die in one ...
In her diary, Anne shares her thoughts and dreams, revealing a remarkable talent that was tragically taken from the world, along with millions of other lives during the Holocaust. Who should read The Diary of a Young Girl? People interested in stories of life during wartime Anyone who likes ...
Set against the backdrop of the Holocaust, this poignantly touching film follows a father, Guido, who uses his humor and imagination to shield his young son from the horrors of their concentration camp. The unwavering love and dedication Guido displays in protecting his son's innocence make for...
Chabon creates a fascinating world with a Jewish settlement in Alaska, in which four million Jews were saved from the Nazi Holocaust, but Israel is destroyed three-months after founding. The protagonist is alcoholic homicide detective Meyer Landsman with the Sitka police department. The story begins...
Stacker has created the ultimate list of the best-selling fiction novels from the year you and your friends and family were born using historical records from Hawes Publications, showing the list of books that claimed the #1 spot on The New York Times Be
Maus by Art Spiegelman is a graphic novel that tells the story of the Holocaust through the eyes of the author’s father, a Polish Jew who survived the concentration camps. The novel tells the story of Spiegelman’s father, Vladek, a Holocaust survivor, and his experiences during World War...