History books for children: historical facts and figures presented in a child-friendly way for KS1 and KS2 kids.
All of these movies are rated G or PG, and are suitable for most children. So if you're looking for good book adaptation movies for kids, you've come to the right place! Whether it's Dr. Seuss or JK Rowling, here are some great films that will entertain both you and your kids...
Rosemary Sutcliff is one of the most groundbreaking writers of historical fiction series for children and young adults. The Eagle of the Ninthis among her most popular works, a historical fiction book written for children. The story follows a young Roman officer in the 2nd century CE who tries...
History, on the surface, doesn't seem like a great subject for audiobooks. Getting through almost any serious work of history involves some speed reading, as it's not unusual for award-winning books like Mary Fulbrook's Reckonings, the winner of the 2019 Wolfson Prize, to stretch to 500...
Historical Fiction Science Fiction Fantasy Magical Realism Crime Fiction ThrillersandMysteries Climate Fiction (aka Cli-Fi) Romance Horror The Best Novels of 2024: The Booker Prize Shortlist, recommended by Nitin Sawhney Every year, the £50,000 Booker Prize is awarded to a work of fiction newly...
The story is set in Eitoku Academy, an elite school for children from rich families. It follows lead protagonist Tsukushi Makino, a student from a working-class family, and the members of Eitoku Academy's elite Flower Four, commonly known as the "F4". Hana Yori Dango was serialized in ...
Here's what we're reading this December Why 'it girls' want to show what they're reading The best books to have on your radar for 2025 Inside the mind of BookTok's Laurie Gilmore Advertisement - Continue Reading Below
Free Kindle Books – Historical FictionThe Free Kindle Historical Fiction Blog.*Whip O Will by B Camp. Price: Free. Genre: Historical Fiction, Western & Frontier, Adventure. Rated: 4.6 stars on 13 Reviews. 191 pages. ASIN: B0CW1HP32M. *Sketches from the Periphery – A Novel (Deal, Not...
30. Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs Jacob Portman has always loved his grandfather’s wild tales of monsters and strange children, but of course he’s never believed them… until he stumbles upon the titular home himself, and learns the truth about these “peculiar...
BIPOC and other marginalized or underrepresented voices, reading historical fiction can broaden your mind with fresh perspectives on historical happenings or even accounts of entire events that aren't taught in the classroom. There's also a great read for every time period, from the very earliest ...