Hitorijime My Hero 2017 1,505 votes The series centers on the evolving relationship between Masahiro Setagawa, a former delinquent inspired by the charismatic teacher Kousuke Ooshiba, exploring themes of personal growth and the courage to embrace hidden emotions as they navigate high school life wher...
The Warlock Diabolist Hero Talent delves into the heart of demonology, giving Warlocks the ability to summon a variety of powerful demons with unique benefits. This talent enriches the Warlock's gameplay with a rotating arsenal of demonic aid, ranging from Pit Lords to Mothers of Chaos...
The board game has been in Boardgamegeek’stop ten gamesalmost since its release in 2005. This Cold War board game is not for everyone, and if you are looking for a quick game night for two then this is not the best choice. Alternatively, if you want a deeply strategic war experience ...
5/7/2024:Cocoon, Divinity: Original Sin 2, Loop Hero, Pizza Tower, Project Zomboid, Viewfinder 7/1/2024:Apex Legends, Civilization 6, Control, Counter-Strike: GO, Deathloop, Dota 2, League of Legends, Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Grand Theft Auto 5, Halo Infini...
Sherlock Holmes's much cooler little sister is an overlooked young action hero in Enola Holmes. Based on author Nancy Springer's popular book series The Enola Holmes Mysteries, the film puts the great detective's savvy 16-year-old sibling on the case, played with energetic spoonfuls of gumpti...
For those unfamiliar, the movie tracks 17-year-old Paul Bäumer (Kammerer), who is compelled to enlist to serve in the Imperial German Army for the First World War. He enters the battlefield with a mind filled with propaganda but soon realizes his dreams of being an iconic hero reached ...
In 2025, WoW is in an interesting place. Skyriding offers new flight mechanics and doesn't make you wait until the end of the expansion to take to the skies; hero talents have reinforced class fantasies; and there are fewer divisions between the characters on your account. Blizzard's also...
Details are still emerging about gameplay and mechanics, but players can count on several different modes of play: a single-player experience, four-player local support, and online multiplayer. In addition to a standard version, the game will have a “hero edition” that bags you some extra ...
The game succeeds in giving you a feeling of control and identity as this kind of gritty cyborg action hero. Using your “augments” as special attacks and defense (things like Titan Armor, Tesla Arm, or the wrist-mounted nano-blade launcher) feels like using a superpower. ...
In it, you assume the role of a hero entrusted with vanquishing hordes of liberal foes as you navigate an arcane mechanical tower known as Babel. As you run, jump, and blast your way through Babel’s complex pathways and hidden chambers, you’ll discover and wield an array of weapons and...