Tangs Clinical Centre TCMis a phytopharmaceutical research centre which recognises the formidable potency of herbs in managing skin disorders without compromising the body’s vital immune system. After many years of intense research and clinical trials and studies (conducted by qualified medical doctors ...
Chinese herbs for heart health offer a unique yet time-tested way to support cardiovascular health and prevent issues like heart disease.
Positive Herbs, Medical Herbalist. We provide the following range of THR licensed herbal remedies: herbal tinctures and fluid extracts, herbal glycerol extractions, herbal powders, EU certified vegicaps, dried herbs for teas, herbal infused creams, herba
Many different herbs and supplements have been used as medicinal treatments for years. The best antiviral herbs and supplements to boost immunity include NAC, lemon balm, garlic, and other remedies. Since ancient times, humans have used herbs and supplements to treat every conceivable illness. Even...
On Trend: Space-saving HerbsThe Brewin Dolphin garden designed by Cleve West and Steve Swatton followed the Arts and Craft tradition, showing the beautiful strong lines of neatly beech (山毛榉) among its soft herbs planting. It proved to be a style that has never gone out of fashion.You ...
Males have all of the above female mammographic complications and MORE. The machines are designed for women. Women’s sizes, women’s shapes and all things that make womens’ breasts womanly. Men are taller, have wider chests, broader shoulders, bigger muscles, tighter skin, sweatier skin, big...
Effective Herbs for a Healthy Prostate Support by modern-research to promote prostate health! Epidemiological evidence has suggested that tomato-based foods can possible be one of the prostate cancer treatment options. One study found that men eating four to five tomato based-dishes per week were ...
Non-prescription “herbs” and dietary supplements can also increase the risk of bleeding. The risk of major bleeding, or blood collection, is only about three percent. Most women lose about two test tubes of blood during surgery. Any blood clots that form must be removed in a later ...
Are you looking for some soothing calming treatments to support and nourish your mind, body & soul? Wellness treatments like Reflexology, Organic Signature Facials, Japanese Massage Facials, Indian Head Massage to soothe the soul. Spa package deals avail
One of the best ways to prevent and fight cancer is through diet. Here are the top 12 types of cancer-fighting foods, which includes cruciferous vegetables, leafy greens, berries, certain herbs and spices, seeds and much more.