While Dragonflight and Cataclysm might both feature dragons, the tone of these cinematics could not be more different. With the release of the Cataclysm trailer over a decade ago, players were greeted with the realization that World of Warcraft as they knew it was going to be changed forever....
WoW Dragonflight 10.2 Best DPS, Healer, Tank Ranking for Solo Queue RBGs WoW Dragonflight 10.2 is bringing a massive update for PVP, we are getting Solo Queue Rated Battlegrounds in Season 3 that is changing everything involved with this game mode. Our pro teams use ...
Addons are tools that we use all use in World of Warcraft to improve our gameplay and customize our game to our will. As a tank, your highest priority is keeping your agro on every single mob you've pulled and also to have everything under control so your DPS and healers can stay al...
Once you reach Sapphiron in the Naxxramas raid, you will want to use a decent amount of Frost Resistance gear, to ease the burden on your raid's healers. We made a list with the best Frost Resistance gear for you to consult in the link below. Enhancement Shaman Frost Resistance Gear Gui...