In WoW Cataclysm Classic, like in other versions of the game, Addons can greatly enhance your gaming experience by providing additional information, improving your user interface, and streamlining various aspects of gameplay. We'll share with you the best addons for different categories, whether it...
Healing Shaman BiS gear inWoWSoD With powerful burst heals such as Chain Healing, Restoration Shamans have always been among the best healers inWorld of Warcraft. Season of Discovery is no different, as Runes and gear dropped in phase two have only worked to power up Restoration Shamans even ...
Races Available in WoW Classic Humans Powerful warriors and healers that tend to use their ability to speak as their primary weapon. Therefore, you get better rewards when you’re farming for different Reputations. Diplomacy: Reputation gains increased by 10%. The Human Spirit: Increases Spirit by...
similar toClassic’s Mooncloth, that can be used to craft various goodies and gear. Just like Mooncloth, all three types of cloth are on a multiple-day cooldown, so they’ll be highly sought after early in Phase One.
An interface addon can do that. Ever wished it was easier to see if a raid member is low HP, or has a nasty debuff that you could remove? That’s just what interface addons are for. They are particularly popular among healers, as the default WoW interface isn’t great for healing....
Humans have the Sword and Mace Specialization, making them a good choice for any melee DPS classes. They can also be suited for healers with The Human Spirit bonus, giving them more Spirit stats for healing. Humsns are best suited for Death Knight, Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, ...
It will also help you to protect the healers from your group alerting you when they are being attacked. Spy Classic— Scans for enemy Players and warns you when they’re nearby. The add-on will try to provide as much information about the enemy as possible. It may be class race and ...
it is especially useful while healing, as it allows you to instantly heal someone in your raid frames without needing to select them first. That will improve your reaction times, which are critical for healers, and allow you to keep an enemy target selected, to track their casts in case a...
Best Race for Druids in Classic WoW, TBC, and WotLK Night Elves and Taurens – the original Druids of WoW.|Blizzard Entertainment / Jeffrey Hsu Druids weren’t exactly known for being power houses in the early days. Very much considered the jack of all trades, master of none, they wer...
The Horde’s answer to the Alliance’s Paladin. As a hybrid class, the race you pick for this depends on your primary role. Melee Shamans should roll Orc for the base melee damage increase of Blood Fury, whereas healers and ranged DPS Shamans will be better served by a Troll’s Berserk...