Powerful Throne and Liberty Healer Build. Using Wand & Tome and Longbow weapon type to optimize healing and support capabilities.
A universal staple in any team and the go-to pick for a healer Supporter Claudia Nelson Good burst healer that players can redeploy to take advantage of her heal upon entry gimmick. She's the secondary choice to be used whenever Evelyn is banned Striker Eins & Zwei Twin trouble! First ...
Am very used to tanking as thats what I mained in WOW like forever (go go Blood DK!!) with the wife as my ever faithful healer...was a handy combo! Ok, fire away. Also any tips or direction peeps can give in how to actually play AS a support would be most appreciated...
Over one century ago, Liliath—an angel magic practitioner—took shelter in Saint Marguerite’s sarcophagus to survive the Ash Blood plague and violent Fall of Ystara. Now reawakened after one hundred years, Liliath is hungry to be reunited with her long-lost lover, the archangel Palleniel....
Discipline Priest isn't bad, it's still like the worst healer spec in the game by far but it could be better than Restoration Shaman with the right composition. Disc Priest plays really well with Unholy DK, and Augmentation Evoker because of dark arc is c...
I have a level 85 Blood Death Knight, and I am nearly invincible! DK for the win! Paladin Paladins are versatile holy warriors who can take on the role of tank, healer, or damage dealer. They excel in using light-based magic to protect allies and vanquish foes. Paladin is a balanced ...
WoW Dragonflight 10.2 Solo Queue RBG PvP Tier List covers the best Ranged & Melee DPS, Healer, and Tank specs for Solo Queue Rated Battlegrounds in Season 3.
but I also use my Core Hound on occasion for the previously mentioned Ancient Hysteria buff. Theircasting speed slowis nice as well, but nothing beats having apocket healer, in my opinion. Also, theirRoar of Courageprovides a nice little added firepower when you don’t have a similar buff...