Silicon Valley is an HBO comedy series that follows a group of tech-savvy and socially awkward misfits as they chase entrepreneurial success with their startup company, Pied Piper. All they have to do is ignore the noise from eccentric billionaires and rival companies, and see past the pressure...
Over 2K TV viewers have voted on the 70+ shows on Best HBO Dramas Of All Time. Current Top 3: The Sopranos, Game of Thrones, The Wire
Over 1K TV viewers have voted on the 220+ shows on Best HBO Shows You Can Watch On Max. Current Top 3: Our Flag Means Death, Band of Brothers, The Sopranos ...
Spin-off series are usually never as good as the original and very often outright bad. Better Call Saul is definitely not an example of that rule. The prequel to the current number 1 in the best TV Series of all time ranking, Breaking Bad, shows the same strengths as the original. No...
Already in its fourth decade of dramas, these are the best HBO shows of all time. HBO 46 Euphoria (2019- ) One of the most recent entries on this list, Euphoria is also maybe one of the more divisive picks. Brilliantly impressionistic at times, the series can also veer into bombast and...
HBO There is no arguing thatGame of Throneswas one of the most popular television series of all time. It was a shared cultural experience, garnering rave reviews and millions of fans. While some audiences might have been disappointed in the ending, that does not erase the previous seven seas...
Craig Blankenhorn/HBO As we cast our votes, we couldn’t help but wonder: Should we penalize the turn-of-the-century sensation for the sins of its movie spinoffs, and especially of its misguided sequel series …And Just Like That? ButSex and the Cityisn’t the only hit show in TV hi...
Courtesy of HBO Whenever you hear a contemporary showrunner refer to their work as “a novel for television” or “a 10-hour movie,” odds are they spent a lot of time watching David Simon and Ed Burns’ drama and mistakenly assumed that it would be easy to copy. It was an urban epic...
If you’re looking for the best TV dramas of all time, you’re in the right place. From bone-chilling supernatural shows such as “Twin Peaks,” to binge-worthy mysteries such as “True Detective,” television is full of great drama series that entertain us every day. ...
The show received six Emmy nominations, winning one for Outstanding Lead Actor In A Drama Series in 2002. Levinson / Fontana Company #53. Oz - IMDb user rating: 8.7 - Years on the air: 1997-2003 HBO's first one-hour drama, set in a maximum security prison, rewrote all the rules of...