Family, also known by the original titleYakuza and The Family, is a character drama like no other. The movie focuses on a man named Kenji Yamamoto (Gô Ayano) through three periods of his life. Beginning in 1999, Kenji's father's death inevitably drives him to join the yakuza and beco...
Basho was not only a 17th-century Japanese haiku master — he was also a Buddhist monk and traveler. He engaged with natural imagery to create his well-known haikus and even his pen name — writing under Basho after being giftedbashotrees from a student.On Love and Barley: Haiku of Basho...
together, the pair were considered by Jack Kerouac to be among the best jazz saxophonists of the 50s, and were asked to play on his 1959 poetry albumBlues And Haikus. Cohn gained notoriety playing alongside Sims andStan Getzin Woody Herman’s Second Herd during the late 40s, and, despite...
When I looked up, I stopped wheezing to goggle breathless: morsels of whole sense, visual haikus. Haikus, haikus everywhere and nothing to do but look. This Hans Josephsohn guy is about how eyes make feelings, processes of creation. In plaster or bronze, bits of wall, classic-shape kores...
featuring tons of laughs and heartwarming moments. Katara and Toph hit the town for a girls' day out and became closer as friends; Sokka learned a lesson about haikus; Zuko finally wound down a bit and went on a date; Aang built a zoo (because why not?); and Momo searched high and...
While it’s really fun to reading rhyming books aloud (and to to listen to them) not all of the books on the list rhyme. Some are haikus, some are freeform, others use the words on the page to create funky shapes. And whatever your personal opinions on poetry are, you may be surpr...
” but has reconnected with the sport due to the combination of having more time in retirement and the welcome from Warriors owners Joe Lacob and Peter Guber. The team won the NBA championship last Spring, and Tom rode in the Victory parade ("I can’t stop writing little haikus about ...
The endearing coming-of-age storyline follows the summer friendship between Cherry, a shy boy who uses haikus to express his feelings, and Smile, an influencer who uses a face mask to hide her buckteeth. After accidentally swapping phones in a local mall, the two tentatively connect online,...
While in upstate New York, I could think of no better way to encapsulate the most bourgeois celebration of my birthday in the Catskills than a series of haikus, some written while on caffeine, some under the influence of lots of red wine. I hope you enjoy. ...
Craft haikus whilst you marvel on a peaceful lake, contemplate the death of your father in a hot spring, follow a fox through the wilderness to a hidden shrine, or just go and see what that smoke in the sky is all about. A minimalist UI, waypoints pointed out by fluttering yellow ...