Because of this, you must practice drawing and shooting your chosen gun extensively. Remember: even the biggest and most powerful bear defense guns are not guaranteed to stop a charging bear if you don’t make a good shot. Here are some picks for the best bear defense handguns that are a...
As more and more people buy handguns for self-defense, revolvers have experienced a surge in popularity. And that has led to a lot of talk about a “revolver resurgence,” which is kind of amusing to serious revolver fans for whom the wheelgun never went away. While a lot of the surg...
The raw short range power of a 12ga is great, but am worried about the penetration, and the lack of versatility (can’t use to shoot black bear, coyote, wolf, etc. unless at close range), a 45/70 loaded with 500+ grain flat nose seems fairly potent, along with the rest of the ...
Study: Guns not best defense against angry bearBY PAUL FOY
This one is for home defense purposes; it is quicker handling in tight quarters and gives a wider shot spread at short ranges. This configuration gives you two guns for the price of one. You can pick up specialty barrels for things like turkey hunting, and even rifled barrels to optimize ...
Stun guns may also result in unintentional death though the risk is relatively low compared to the overall use of said products. Again as with all other defensive tools, make sure you know the local rules and regulations attached. Good stun guns work well, again make sure you practice use ...
A weapon vault is the best investment you can make as a gun owner. Gun safe ratings are critical when you are searching for something to keep your guns from thieves, fire, water, or just curious people. There’s a gun safe for you no matter the reason. You should always weigh out th...
Having accepted that otherconcealed carryhandguns may be more convenient, we want to make one thing quite clear: Deciding to use a .44 magnum revolver as your everyday carry weapon for self defense does have one huge benefit. It will rapidly tell any assailant that today is far from their...
Welcome to your first line in home defense; one of the best self-defense gadgets on the market. VIPERTEK has a long line of various models, each committed to providing you with safety, and surety. Their self-defense stun guns are among some of the highest quality on the market today. No...
Now that that’s been covered, the winners for the best .45 are… The Best .45ACP Full-size Pistol All of the ones I included are great guns, and I have to admit that I love my Glock 21. But of the full-sized .45s in my rundown of outstanding guns, I am going to have to...