However, her life is disrupted when Lena becomes engaged to Salim (Akshay Khanna), a seemingly perfect geneticist. Ria begins to suspect that Salim is up to no good, so she and her pals plan a daring heist to rescue Lena from her own wedding. ...
[Geneticist CV example] The personal profile statement is at the top of your CV (on the first page). This makes it prominent and will less likely be overlooked by recruiters. Conclusion Prospective employers are only interested in the skills, talents and abilities that you bring to the table...
Penny began the seminar, standing beneath a banner strung above the whiteboard ‒Slow Down Between Dusk and Dawn. It was more than a little overwhelming to have the renowned geneticist in the audience. If she pretended Dr Deville wasn’t there it might help. She cast her eye over the cro...
Medical examiners are medical doctors (MDs) with advanced training in pathology. They are responsible for performing autopsies on people who die unattended or under suspicious circumstances, and documenting their findings. Medical examiners must graduate from a medical training program, which is generally...