yourself stuck in a no man's land: It lays claim to the largest server network out of all the VPNs I've tried, boasting more than 11,500 locations worldwide. That includes specialty servers optimized for streaming, torrenting, and gaming, which only allow traffic for their respective ...
As great as CyberGhost seems up front, there are two reasons we highly recommend taking it for a test drive before you commit to a paid plan: Its apps are known to be slow to connect to its servers, for one thing. It's also partially based in Germany, a member of an intelligence-sh...
I do want to mention that Google made me complete areCAPTCHAevery time I switched CyberGhost servers on both desktop and mobile. This suggests that the servers I was using were pretty full at the time, but since I didn't have any connection or speed issues, I didn't consider it a major...
While a VPN will never be disqualified simply because it can't get users access to geo-blocked content, it's a plus if it succeeds, so I still test for it. I do so by connecting to one of the VPN's UK servers from my home in Chicago and running a DNS leak test to see if my...
you're connected to it — that way, your ISP (and possibly other snoops) can't see where you are or what sites you're looking up. If the VPN is faulty, it may continue to send DNS queries to the ISP's DNS servers, putting your security at risk. That's the gist of a DNS ...
OpenDNS is considered one of the free DNS servers mostly used all over the world. Other research, such as one from Jessica Strübel, PhD, and Trent Petrie, PhD, at the University of North Texas that was printed within the journal Body Image, have advised that dating apps and web sites ...
While a VPN will never be disqualified simply because it can't get users access to geo-blocked content, it's a plus if it succeeds, so I still test for it. I do so by connecting to one of the VPN's UK servers from my home in Chicago and running a DNS leak test to see if my...