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The thirty-fifth best GameCube game of all time is Tales of Symphonia. It’s a Japanese role-playing game that takes place in the fictional world of Sylvarant. It follows protagonist, Lloyd Irving, and his companion, Colette Brunel, as they embark on a journey to save their world. The...
When it comes to handheld consoles, the PlayStation Portable was a game-changer, and despite being first released in North America in 2005, it has stood the test of time to remain one of the most popular on-the-go consoles to date. Although the console itself is great, it is the varie...
Game shows have long been a staple form of entertainment going back to the days of radio, and we haven't gotten tired of them. Many of the formats and shows from those early days transferred to TV and are still being watched and enjoyed in some form, ranging from middle-of-the-day am...
Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. Only uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed.
Over 100 TV viewers have voted on the 70+ shows on Best TV Game Shows of the Last Few Years. Current Top 3: The Floor, Weakest Link, Press Your Luck
Also ranks #4 on The Best US Versions of International Game Shows Also ranks #21 on The Best Current ABC Shows Also ranks #61 on The Best ABC Shows of All Time 7 The Hustler Craig Ferguson 47 votes Is The Hustler Watchworthy? The Hustler, helmed by the witty Craig Ferguson, turns the...
consoles, we set out to discover how the rest of Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft's hardware stack up. Scroll down or click through the gallery below for our list of the 30 best-selling video game consoles of all time, with additional information on release dates, highest-rated games, and ...
With all manner of rewarding games that encourage team work, or get you putting your heads together to overcome challenges, you can jump into some of the best FPS games around together, or explore some of the best game stories. And with so many new games for 2025 arriving all the time,...
Anyone who watched Nickelodeon as a kid probably remembers the neon-green, gooey, slimy mess that made an appearance on a variety of Nickelodeon shows. It was a gross-looking, opaque sludge that was dumped gratuitously on Nickelodeon's game shows,…