This charming, pixelated game starts as Dave sets out to explore his local waters, to catch the freshest, tastiest fish for the restaurant he's voluntold into fixing up with his friend, Bancho (AKA Swimuel L. Jackson). But like Subnautica, the game gets more interesting the deeper you di...
AFK Journeyhas received multiple award nominations and enjoys considerable press accolades. Besides the prestigious awards by Google and Apple, the title was nominated for “Mobile Game of the Year” by The Ga...
A few AFK players have been reported and the game occasionally has loading problems, but overall, it is a positive experience. Over 55 unique hero characters based on Japanese folklore (such as Shuten and Ibaraki Doji) can be found in this game. There are also two cross-over shinigami chara...
The Clash Royale Blackout event is currently live as part of thegame's October 2024 roadmap. In this event, players must compete in an arena completely devoid of any light. Troops are only visible when they are attacked by opponent units or Towers. Furthermore, light flashes occasionally to...
Idle games can be fun, especially the right ones. We've created the ultimate list of all the best idle games to play right now. Find your next game here!
AFK Journey expands upon the universe you find in AFK Arena, with familiar heroes and factions for you to take control of as you explore the world. What sets it apart is its unique story, RPG adventure combat, and 3D visuals. If you’re tempted to give the game a go, our AFK Journ...
Best game:AFK Journey Best multi-device app:Max Best multi-device game:Clash of Clans Best apps of 2024 Best for fun:Mila by Camilla Lorentzen Best for personal growth:UpStudy – Camera Math Solver Best everyday essential:MacroFactor – Macro Tracker ...
For AFK lovers, Epic Seven is not the best choice, since pretty much all of its gameplay is active, and there’s no “repeat” functions at all. That doesn’t mean it needs a huge time sink though, and there’s too much going on with the game to ignore it. If you’re the type...
Making a game is one of the most time-consuming and expensive ordeals a person can undertake, which is even more challenging for independent creators. Thankfully, mobile is perfect for those working with limited resources to try out their ideas. There are a number of tools available to put ...
Idle games are low-maintenance, as characters in-game do most of the heavy lifting. Almost a Hero and AFK Arena are good choices for players who want to see heroes battle monsters for loot. AdVenture Capitalist and Eggs, Inc. lean towards the simulation genre with decisions that let you ea...