Also ranks #1 on The Best Futuristic Dystopian Movies Of All Time 4 The Fugitive Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones, Sela Ward 242 votes In the heart-pounding thriller, The Fugitive, Dr. Richard Kimble (Harrison Ford), unjustly accused of murdering his wife, must evade relentless U.S. Ma...
Altered Carbon, a futuristic and vivid cyberpunk tale, plunges viewers into a world where consciousness can be transferred between bodies. Fueled by visceral action and sleek visuals, the series boasts a captivating turn from Chris Conner as an AI hotel owner, alongside compelling lead...
James Cameron’s futuristic follow-up took the stony-faced villain of the first film and made him humanity’s only hope against the molten metal menace that was T-1000. This film had it all: Stunning action sequences, great performances, moments of levity and special effects that pushed the...
Edge of Tomorrow stands as not only a great action movie but one of thebest time travel movies, too. Starring Blunt and Tom Cruise, the sci-fi takes place in a futuristic war in which soldiers battle against aliens. When Major William Cage (Cruise) finds himself caught in a time loop, ...
We have the 76 best action movies of all time. These top action movies offer good times and excitement from Hollywood's greatest films.
story of a regular police officer who is transformed into an android designed only to obliterate crime. As the movie progresses, though, we come to understand that RoboCop is part of a corporation’s grand design to profit off of the poverty of those in this near-futuristic version of ...
Nimona transports audiences to a futuristic medieval world where knight Ballister Boldheart (Riz Ahmed) is on the run for a crime he did not commit. However, it's his label as a "villain" that brings shapeshifter Nimona (Chloë Grace Moretz) into his life. More comfortable as a shark ...
When you look at the types of sci-fi narratives that filmmakers have explored in movies, it's hard to deny the fact that it’s one of the most unique, versatile, and exciting genres of all time Whether you want to be transported to a world of futuristic innovations, a dystopia where ...
Style:philosophical, futuristic, reflective, saga, cyber ... Audience:boys' night, teens, kids, chick flick, adult Plot:cyberpunk, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, dystopia, post apocalypse, prophecy, chosen one, man versus machine, robot, martial arts, alternate reality, rebel ... ...
action-packed, and beautifully-rendered,The Sea Beasthas been a mainstay of this guide for a long time. Not only that, but it also showed thatNetflix needed to think twice about scaling back its animation departmentupon the film's arrival. Judging by the great animated movies we've receive...