Embellishments are still being actively tuned at the moment - it is in your best interest to wait until Season 1 has started to use your Sparks just in case things change. For Retribution, you have a few combinations that perform very similarly: ...
Crafted Gear & Embellishments Spark of Omenswill remain the main limiting factor when crafting high-end gear, as it can be acquired once every two weeks by combining twoFractured Spark of Omensand 250Valorstones. At the start of a tier, it will be possible to craft two pieces (the first...
After embellishments, gettingWhirring Wristwrapscan be quite useful for secondary stat stacking and, while the battle ress provided byConvincingly Realistic Jumper Cablesdoes not require a tinker slot; you can useTinker: Heartseeking Health Injectorinstead for a large, free, and unlimited healing poti...
As there is a lot of competition for Embellishments, you will have to pick and choose the two strongest ones for your overall DPS output. Most of them provide very similar DPS benefits, even if the effects are entirely different. The two best choices for this are: Two Duskthread Lining ...