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Our revolutionary WhiteBoard platform gives new dimension to online tutoring. Students get to interact with the tutor just like they do in a real classroom. An online system tracking student login ensures that you do not waste even a single minute of your session. The registration is free for...
LearnPricingLog inSign up, it's free ☰ Tutoring & Training Companies Live Classroom + Tutor Management Software Manage tutors, students, schedule, content, payments and more. Teach live with the world’s best virtual classroom and whiteboard. ...
SocraTeach is one of the best peer-to-peer online mobile tutoring apps that allow students to teach and learn from one another in short, live tutoring sessions.
Free LSAT Prep Materials: In addition to their tutoring, LSATMax also offers free prep materials. These include a practice test and logic games to help sharpen your logical reasoning skills. Using these with your tutoring will supplement your knowledge in an extremely effective way. Expensive: Unf...
How much do online tutoring jobs pay? The pay for virtual tutoring jobs varies a lot. It depends on the subject, the company you work for, and your experience. On average, online tutors can earn around $25–$30 per hour, but it can go up if you are teaching high-demand subjects. ...
The drawback of using open-source software is that they are more complex to handle compared to regular free or paid software. You may need a dedicated technical staff to help you. The second main category is the free online learning platform. They come at no cost, but the source code ...
Its video tutorials are less interactive than face-to-face tutoring Uses a fairly formal interface that won’t get anyone excited Who is it for? Those who are selling online courses:Khan Academy is not a platform for selling courses but rather for providing free educational content. It’s be...
The drawback of using open-source software is that they are more complex to handle compared to regular free or paid software. You may need a dedicated technical staff to help you. The second main category is the free online learning platform. They come at no cost, but the source code ...
This tool stands out for its ability to create software simulations that offer learners a hands-on experience in a risk-free environment. It lets you create interactive videos to boost engagement by incorporating quizzes and informational overlays....