“Dear (name)” is appropriate for all formal emails, but has a slightly old-fashioned feel that makes it less suitable for informal messages. 4. Greetings This is a common and polite salutation for an email sent to a group –or a single recipient when you are not sure how to spell th...
根据原文 "It's best to use formal greetings when you talk to someone for the first time. You can use them to show respect." 可知,正式的问候语可以用来表示尊重,选项中只有 "Good morning." 是正式问候语。 4. **问题21** 询问和母亲交谈时可以使用哪个问候语。根据原文 "When you talk with ...
根据前文“‘It’s nice to meet you’ is formal, too.”可知,这里的“it”指代“It’s nice to meet you”,故选C。 (2)题详解: 细节理解题。由文中“Informal (非正式的) greetings…‘How’s it going?’…are also welcome.”可知,“How’s it going?”是非正式问候语,故选D。 (3)题...
P792802. Must-Know Holiday Greetings in Korean 33:27 P793803. Your Monthly Dose of Korean - Best of December 2019 15:51 P794804. Learn Korean While Commuting 06:16 P795805. Learn Korean in 60 Minutes - ALL the Basics You Need for Conversations 51:28 P796806. How to Introduce Yourse...
Personal voicemail greetings 39. Hey this is [Name]. Sad to say but it seems that I can’t take your call. So leave your name and number to make sure I can call you back! 40. You’ve reached [Name]. I currently can’t answer the phone but can receive messages; why not leave ...
Pro tip: If you are looking for the right email greeting to go with your professional email closing, check out our explainer: Email greetings: The best formal and informal email openings Professional email sign-off examples Here are eight professional signoffs to close your business email, ranke...
It's best to use formal greetings when you talk to someone for the first time. You can use them to show respect(尊重). You can also use them at formal events(场合).Informal(非正式的) greetingsWhen you talk with friends, family or someone you know, you can use informal greetings.Hi!
Formal(正式的) GreetingsIt's best to use formal greetings when you talk to someone for the first time. You can use them to show respect (尊重). You can also use them at formal events(场合).Good morning.Good afternoon.Good evening. formal greetings "Nice to meet you." is formal to ...
Casual Email Greetings for Your Work Bestie Depending on your industry, you might get away with less-than-formal openers when emailing coworkers. When emailing a boss or a new client, opt for more formal options. However, formality can sometimes feel out of place when writing to a colleague...
For example, “Dear Mr. Smith” or “Greetings Mrs. O’Hara” work well. If you’re unsure of the recipient’s name, “Hello” or “Good morning/afternoon” are appropriate. How do you end a professional email? When closing a professional email, use a formal salutation such as “...