Stop Home Foreclosure Learn how filing bankruptcy could stop home foreclosure, it could even help save some of your possessions. Learn More Smart Planning to Prevent Foreclosure Learn 6 easy steps of financial planning that can set you up for success and help you avoid home foreclosure. ...
Another possible alternative to foreclosure is entering into a short sale negotiation with your bank. However, if this is the path you choose to take, finding a short sale attorney to be in your corner is vital. From negotiations to providing advice based on experience gained throughout a care...
You’ve racked up unpaid bills and your house is threatened with foreclosure. To avoid foreclosure, you need to sell it immediately. But when you think about all the procedures at home buying agencies, you know it won’t be over quickly. It can take months for your house to sell. If ...
Ready to Hire a Local Child Support Attorney in Your City? The question you now need to ask yourself is this: Do I want to win my case? Do I need the outcome to be in my favor? If you answered yes, we encourage you to give us a call and allow an agent of ours to work to ...
When my spouse died suddenly, my sister-in-law, Deborah Knight, who held Power of Attorney of my late husband's considerable estate, took over management of the trust. When I became curious about this trust & sought legal advice Debbie Knight, with the assistance of my own daughter, had ...
Though he faces foreclosure on his ranch, the disbelief of his neighbors and threats from the government, Charles remains determined to reach for the stars. Released: 2007 Directed by: Michael Polish Also ranks #13 on 16 Underrated Bruce Willis Performances That Remind Us Why We Love Him Also...
From distressing creditor calls to the threat of foreclosure, legal challenges can escalate stress. You might also fear vehicle repossession, wage garnishment, or struggle under the weight of debt. It's crucial to navigate these times with experienced legal support.At the Law Office of Jensen Bag...
Set against the backdrop of rural Tennessee farming communities during economic hardship, The River follows Tom Garvey (Mel Gibson) as he fights to save his family farm from foreclosure while grappling against nature itself when devastating floods threaten their livelihood. Alongside Sissy Spacek's gr...
Nothing Beats Experience A law firm is only as good as the people who work there. If you're in Philadelphia facing a legal issue, it's natural to feel overwhelmed. From distressing creditor calls to the threat of foreclosure, legal challenges can escalate stress. You might also fear vehicle...
Sussman & Associates has been in business for over 40+ years specializing in real estate litigation. Its founder, Mitchell Sussman, is licensed both as an attorney and real estate broker and has written and lectured extensively on the subject of real estate, bankruptcy, foreclosure and timeshare...