babies, and toddlers that you should consider making use at home. According to a study[3], glutamine is a nonessential amino acid, which helps reduce infection caused due to H pylori bacteria, and protects your body from further gastric damage. Glutamine can be found in foods such as fish...
Dehydration can also aggravate back pain, so make sure to drink a glass of water every couple hours. If plain water seems boring to you, infuse it with lemon or cucumber slices, or add some herbs such as mint or basil. When You Have a Bladder Infection A bladder infection, which is ...
Pros:Well thought-out storage; excellent bladder; super-comfortable and stable on the bike Cons:None Broad shoulder straps make the Chase Vest very comfortable, while the quick-reach pockets are ideal for storing phones, tools or snacks.
One legend has it that dim sum was invented as a snack to help tea houses sell more tea; another credits Southern Song dynasty villagers who thanked soldiers for defending their home with food as “dim dim sum yee” – a little gift from the heart. Either way, these small plates have...
Cranberries, blueberries, blackberries and other fruits in the berry family fruits are good for urinary tract infection and bladder problems. According to a research from the Natural Medicines Database, drinking cranberry juice regularly can help prevent urinary tract infections in pregnant and old wome...
So many of us work hard every day and feel like we can barely get through it without needing some sort of energy boost. We tend to turn to sugar for a quick pick-me-up, but that’s really doing more harm than good. Many people don’t realize that the sluggish and even bloated fee...
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The best wet cat food we tested is theZiwi Peak canned cat food. This brand has an excellent repuation for quality and production standards. Further, they use high quality ingredients from the whole of the animal providing a high protein and high texture wet cat food. To demonstrate this, ...
12. All Day I Dream About Food Blog + Follow Blog Carolyn shares recipes on her blog and devoted to bringing readers creative, flavorful foods that are low in carbohydrates and suitable for diabetics and dieters alike. Most of the recipes are also gluten...
Yellow dock root is a bitter and alterative herb that tends to have an affinity for the liver, gallbladder, bowel, and skin. Let’s break this down a little bit to learn more about how yellow dock works in the body and to understand the plant and its medicine better. Bitter herbs such...