(self,self.temptk,text=boxname,font = ("arial", 16)).grid(row=0,column=col,columnspan=2) self.valuebox=Listbox(clicwindow,height=20,width=2,selectmode=SINGLE,exportselection=0) self.valuebox.grid(column=col,row=rowd) self.valuechoices=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12...
```python import tkinter as tk # 创建一个窗口 root = tk.Tk() # 创建一个按钮 button = tk.Button(root, text="Click Me") button.pack() # 设置按钮的背景颜色 button.config(bg='blue') # 设置按钮的字体大小 button.config(font=('Arial', 12)) def on_click(): print("Button Clicked!"...
font = ImageFont.truetype('arial.ttf',36) draw.text((10,10), watermark_text, fill=(255,255,255,128), font=font) image.save(output_path) ``` Description: This Python script adds a watermark to an image. You can customize the watermark text, font, and position to personalize your imag...
IDLE is cross-platform and comes with basic features that enable you to edit, run, and debug your Python projects in a simple graphical user interface. IDLE is coded in 100% Python program and it uses the Tkinter GUI toolkit to build its windows. IDLE Python IDE 9. GNU Emacs For Python...
注意,如果你使用linux系统,在登陆b站过程中需要弹出tkinter窗口。而在linux的python没有预装tk库,请自行使用sudo apt-get install python3-tk安装。 安装ffmpeg(如果从Release包中下载,则无需此步骤): Windows: 从CODEX FFMPEG下载ffmpeg-release-essentials.zip文件,解压文件到你的电脑上的任意目录后,将bin目录所在路...
tkinteris a requirement for PySimpleGUI (the only requirement). Some OS variants, such as Ubuntu, do not some withtkinteralready installed. If you get an error similar to: ImportError: No module named tkinter then you need to installtkinter. For python 2.7 ...
main.py,主程序,用于获取并处理相关数据,并导出数据报告。 qq_bot.py, 核心模块,实现了qq相关的接口,较为复杂。 tkinter_gui.py,绘制gui模块,使用tkinter绘制基本的交互界面。 static_data.py,数据存储模块,所有数据采用base64编码存储。main.py模块首先,初始化相关文件夹,并调用qq_bot.py模块,定义一个qq b...