novels, the film follows hapless, perpetual teenager Scott (he’s 23 but has no job, still plays in a struggling band and dates a high schooler – we're claiming him as a teen) as he battles the seven evil exes of mysterious stranger Ramona Flowers (Winstead) in order to win her ...
Other small cities wilt to the end of our ranking — such as Alameda, California (No. 498), Woodbury, Minnesota (No. 499), and South Fulton, Georgia, in last place — with little access to fresh flowers. Most cities in the bottom 100 have populations below 200,000 — except for ...
How fast a colony starts to grow in the spring may be just as important as total number of flowers, notes Crone. She believes that maximizing conservation efforts requires understanding other factors that influence reproductive success, such as how easy it is for bees to find places to nest in...
novels, the film follows hapless, perpetual teenager Scott (he’s 23 but has no job, still plays in a struggling band and dates a high schooler – we're claiming him as a teen) as he battles the seven evil exes of mysterious stranger Ramona Flowers (Winstead) in order to win her ...
Karl von Frisch won the 1973 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for studying the communication methods of this species. This insectreproduces its habitat through swarming, in which it takes advantage of higher volumes of nectar and pollen from flowers in the spring and early summer to help ...
This acclaimed documentary focuses on a mid-1980s workers' strike at a Hormel meatpacking plant in Minnesota. After employees have both their wages and benefits cut, the local union endorses a strike, but complications arise when the national branch of the union doesn't follow suit. This divid...
Also ranks #3 on The Best Bands Named After Flowers 44 The xx 571 votes This English trio has captivated listeners with their minimalist soundscapes and introspective lyrics that showcase their impressive songwriting abilities. Their unique blend of indie rock, electronic, and R&B influ...
Mia slowed down to maneuver the narrow, twisty roads. She had to pull off to the side when she met traffic coming toward them. They finally arrived at the B&B around six in the evening. The B&B had beautifully landscaped grounds with flowers growing in beds and borders and a well-...
Thirty-five years ago, the idea seemed ludicrous: Build a miniature long trail in Minnesota’s Arrowhead region, snugged against Lake Superior’s North Shore. But the locals knew what they were doing. The land they had in mind encompassed a portion of the jagged Sawtooth Mountains, Superior ...
Swamp milkweed(A. incarnata)is also more well-behaved than common milkweed, forming clumps rather than spreading out. It grows 2 to 4 feet tall, has deep rose-pink flowers, and is shade tolerant. It will grow in wet soil near lakesides or damp marshlands, but also grows well in aver...