Over 300 fans have voted on the 30+ items on Best US States for Fly Fishing. Current Top 3: Montana, Alaska, Wyoming
We put together the ultimate fly tying vise guide, to provide you with all the info you need to determine best fly tying vises on the market.
Evolution, epidemiology, and population genetics of black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) More than 2000 species of black flies feed on vertebrate blood; 1.5% of all species are vectors of pathogens that cause human diseases. Of nine simuliid-bo......
Fly fishing differs from traditional fishing methods as the weight relies on the line and rod instead of the bait or lure. With traditional fishing, the line and rod are usually lightweight, and the bait or lure is heavier. However, with fly fishing, the flies you’ll cast are usually as...
飞钓飞蝇钓,最佳的飞蝇,Best Fly Fishing Flies 飞蝇的大小、颜色和样式与当地的昆虫和诱饵鱼最匹配。这意味着最好的鳟鱼蝇是那些模仿本地鳟鱼喜欢吃的陆生和水生昆虫的。最好的飞蝇永远是那些“匹配孵化”match the hatch的。 夏说钓鱼,聊海外钓鱼,助钓友钓技!虽说海外,钓技相通!业余写作,内容有些粗糙,请包涵!
Fly fishing is a meditative pastime for a lot of anglers, so understanding the nuances of the hobby will make your time on the water a lot more fun and relaxing. Don’t be afraid to try different flies on the water to see what the fish are looking for that day. Eventually, you’ll...
When fishing with small nymphs and dry flies, a 9-foot 4-wt rod with a floating line is recommended. For more information, check out ourDIY Guide to Fly Fishing Slate Run in Pennsylvania 6. Cedar Run Cedar Run in North-Central PA ...
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1、干燥的飞蝇 DRY FLIES 干蝇和其他水面蝇代表成年水生昆虫,因为他们从水里出来。它们也代表了其他落入水中的食物来源,比如蚱蜢和老鼠。干蝇对鳟鱼、煎锅鱼和鲈鱼最佳。 另外,没有什么比看着一条鱼冲破水面来抓你的鱼饵更令人兴奋的了。 经典的干蝇图案见下表。
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