A 10 gallon aquarium is a great choice to start this hobby. The 10-gallon fish tank has a decent size to keep your fish collection. Aside from the fishes, ideally people also put plant and decoration of rocks as well. It creates the mesmerizing underwater panorama. The fish tank can be...
Uncover everything you need to streamline your maintenance regime with Fishlab’s free Essential Toolkit for Aquarium Owners. This includes: Glossary of terms Fish compatibility checker Downloadable maintenance log For a limited time only, get everything in our Essential Toolkit completely free!
13 Amazing fish for a 5-gallon tank Betta Betta fishrequire heat and filtration, just like every other tropical fish. It is difficult to achieve in an aquarium under five gallons. Nano filters and heaters are available for tanks as little as five gallons. They’re an excellent complement to...
20 Gallon Fish Tanks Automatic Fish Feeders Best Aquarium Heaters Fluval C Power Filter Size Options: 10-30 Gallons, 20-50 Gallons, and 40-70 Gallons Powerful 5-stage filtration makes the Fluval power filter a welcome addition to any aquarium. Two mechanical filtration levels, featuring foam and...
Angelfish are medium-sized fish that need a fairly large aquarium. Although they may look small when sold as juveniles at the pet store, they will grow to about the size of a saucer. The minimum tank size for a small group of these amazing fish is 29 gallons, but a55-gallon tankor la...
As a new fish hobbyist, hopefully, there is a friendly pet store employee to guide you into making the right choices for your aquarium, but if not, this guide is here to help you make those decisions.
Whether you’re starting out with a 10-gallon, 30-gallon, 55-gallon or even a 125-gallon or larger showcase tank, we’ve got the Tropical Aquarium Fish you’re looking for! And if you’re building your first starter pond or water garden, or if you’re looking to stock a whole lake...