Chimineas marries the wood-burning ambiance of a fire pit with the statement-making style of a fireplace, making them the perfect focal point for your outdoor patio. Better still, chimineas are a solid option for anyone with smoke sensitivity as their integrated chimneys direct smoke up and awa...
The winter months may bring frightful weather outdoors, but fireplace lovers rejoice in the opportunity to heat their homes with the traditional warmth and ambiance of a crackling fire. However, it can be difficult to build your fire, maintain its heat and keep everything safe, clean and organi...
Heavy-duty fireplace tongs Best for fire pit masters Have you watched a guy fiddle with a fire pit or bonfire for hours on end? Some people just can't resist tinkering with the logs until they're just right. Perfect for fire pits, fireplaces, and open flames, these metal tongs will kee...
2. Amagabeli 58cm Outdoor Fire Pit Great value outdoor fireplace with excellent heat output Specifications Burns:Wood Weight:6kg Portable:Yes Today's Best Deals View at Amazon (Brown) Reasons to buy + Impressive heat output + Mesh provides excellent airflow ...
Tongslet you grab burning material or add more logs to your fire from a distance. Bellowslet you blow air into your fireplace to help with ignition. Firewood carriersare tough, durable bags for transporting wood from storage to the fireplace. ...
A. A fireplace grate keeps the logs off your fireplace floor which not only protects your fireplace from heat damage, it allows for a better flow of oxygen, which is what feeds the fire. Additionally, the grate holds the logs in place so they don’t roll out of the fireplace as they ...
Patio Stone Fireplace 6/20 This inspirational outdoor fireplace patio is both cozy and trendy. With a fire pit and roof extension, this theme truly captures the allure and essence of outdoor living at its finest. This Orange County remodels photo was taken by Robert Han...
This outdoor fireplace from Bali Outdoors has a unique design that stands out from the rest. The Chiminea Pit is actually an open-air fire pit, with a sturdy base off the ground, so you get plenty of space at the bottom and around its edges for storing logs or using as needed when ...
2. Amazing Grace Near the Fireplace Source: If you have a fireplace, the next Christmas indoor decorating idea is perfect for your home. The red wallpaper and the dark hues of the hardwood floor brings a subtle warmth into the room. The glow from the fire gives yo...
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