Mike Mills, who has helmed such rich ensemble films as "20th Century Women" and "Beginners," peels things back for "C'mon C'mon," a lovely and gentle black-and-white family drama anchored by a tremendous, unselfconscious Joaquin Phoenix performance. Mills' straightforward character-heavy appro...
With a combat system that’s easy for beginners but offers depth for more experienced players, Honkai: Star Rail regularly delivers explosive and spectacular battles. Launch trailer 'Lullaby' Black Swan trailer Tower of Fantasy Embark on an epic journey across a post-apocalyptic open world where ...
Gameguru Mania is the world's leading source for PC, PS5, Xbox X, Switch video game news, reviews, previews, cheats, trainers, trailers, walkthroughs, and more.
Story mode is a good way for beginners to get started, but more experienced drivers can jump straight ahead into the Career mode. This provides five difficulty levels, and allows you to work your way up from rookie to a seasoned pro driver. There are 10 different racing discplines available...
Though the game has a scarily steep learning curve, developer CCP has attempted to make EVE Online more accessible and put together a thorough and helpful tutorial for beginners. Besides, sometimes there's no better lesson than to get something horrifically wrong. (Image credit: Bethesda) The El...
Even if you’ve never played a modern video game, Dragon Quest is going to be both familiar and different at the same time. But nevertheless, this is the kind of game I recommend to beginners too. Specifically, everything we know about turn-based RPG mechanics in video games started from...
Its open-ended plot with a short story format is also a ton of fun, especially at the end when everything comes together for one big crazy boss fight. If you spent your summer breaks as a kid grinding for XP in Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest, you really owe it to yourself to give ...
Oceanhorn also has a lot to offer in terms of audio, as two of the best video game composers - Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy) and Kenji Ito (Seiken Densetsu) are responsible for the soundtrack. You can play Oceanhorn for 40 minutes and then decide whether the $5.49 for the premium (fu...
It has very little in the way of set changes and is focused entirely on the incredible performance of Mélanie Laurent ("Inglorious Basterds," "Beginners," "Enemy"). Another French heavyweight, Mathieu Amalric ("Munich," "The Grand Budapest Hotel," "Quantum of Solace"), provides the voice...
he really stands up to the game's challenges in the long term. He can buff both himself and his team with a 12% damage increase, and it doesn't take very long to level him up to a nigh-unstoppable damage-dealing machine. A solid choice for beginners, he nevertheless won't let you...