Armed with a pair of special sunglasses that reveal the hidden aliens and their deceptive messages, Nada embarks on a mission to expose the truth. The film's blend of action, conspiracy theories, and biting social commentary has made it an enduring favorite for fans of genre films. Released...
Over 10K filmgoers have voted on the 180+ films on Best Science Fiction Action Movies. Current Top 3: Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Alien, The Terminator
Would they be adorable little blue monsters with glow-in-the-dark paws, or gelatinous giants hellbent on our swift destruction? It's impossible to know for certain, given the few real-world glimmers that sadly never turn out to be aliens, but the films below paint a whole host of dif...
with aliens, and the movie turns into an entirely different animal. Just as brilliant and funny as Wright’s other films,The World’s Endis mandatory viewing. Men in Black (1997) 71% 7.3/10 pg-13 98m Genre Action, Adventure, Comedy, Science Fiction Stars Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith, L...
with the other two features of the trilogy. One interesting thing must be pointed out here. The entire trilogy very smartly used different approaches for each of the films: the first one is afound footagemovie; the second one looks like an indie thriller, and the third one goes for a ...
’), but it’s the change in rank which is astonishing: not one of these films has fallen outside the top 30, with two in the top ten and another three in the mid-teens. Considering that their votes were split seven ways, The Archers have received far more votes than any other ...
Best quote: “Big Nose, if you don’t jump now, forget about making any more films.” The killer scene: A three-story drop from a clock tower with no safety nets Big stunts, big chases, big action: the first “real” Jackie Chan movieThe aforementioned quote was shouted at Jackie by...
We love a good twist, which is why the less we say about this bloody good horror flick from James Wan (the devious mind behind Saw, among other films) the better. Because there's a twist in here — and it's a doozy. Malignant in a spoiler-free nutshell? Annabelle Wallis (Annabelle...
Plot:gory, alien invasion, violent, alien, space and aliens, ufo, food, extreme, exploitation, small town, chainsaw, guts ... Time:80s, year 1987, near future, year 2016, 20th century Place:new zealand, oceania, pacific ocean Is relevant ?
Also ranks #4 on The Greatest Fourth Films of All Time 58 District 9 Sharlto Copley, Jason Cope, David James 147 votes Thirty years ago, aliens arrive on Earth -- not to conquer or give aid, but -- to find refuge from their dying planet. Separated from humans in a South African ...