When searching for a file hosting provider, you may be tempted to use or sign up for solutions that advertise “cloud” or “free” options. Let’s take a moment to examine what those terms and services actually mean for you. When you choose free cloud storage, do you even know where ...
With its electronic signature feature, you can legally sign documents on the platform. Files are also kept safe with Box Shield, which automatically sets access controls and detects malware. To ease workflow, Box supports over 1,500 integrations with popular tools like Slack, Office 365, and Goo...
With a free SSL certificate, dozens of templates, and an intuitive website builder included, Wix provides the most features and customization options of any free web hosting platform. >> Start your free site Overall Score: 3.8/5 Wix gives you the fastest way to build a reliable and functiona...
Apache HTTP server is the most popular web server in the world. It is a free, open-source and cross-platform HTTP server providing powerful features which can be extended by a wide variety of modules. The following instructions describe how to install and manage the Apache web server on your...
Fileburst is The Best High Speed Cloud Storage File Hosting with Global CDN providing high speed file downloads and live video streaming services.
Unlike APEX it’s not integrated nor does it have a web builder, or integrated forum, but you get a great platform that offers a lot more freedom. In other words, it really depends on what you need from your host server. Apex is by far the best for someone who really has a limited...
The best podcast hosting, distribution & monetization platform. Detailed stats | Excellent service | As low as $5/mo.
Bluehost VPS plans include root access so you are able to do things like set up unlimited file transfer protocol (FTP) accounts. Their plans are targeted at developers, designers and system administrators who don’t need managed help. Bluehost only offers Linux hosting and their VPS plans run...
Acastis a well-known podcast hosting platform with some handy monetisation, promotion, and transcription features. Acast’s interface is clear, clean, and straightforward. They offer embeddable podcast players and snippets which make it easy to promote your show. On top of that, you can add ...
So you aren’t forced into working with one type of ecommerce platform because that host works with one better than another. And all servers are PCI (payment card industry) compliant. Let’s look at how they did with our testing: Ease of use = 3/5 Server reliability = 4/5 Server...