Luckily for us, it truly is the golden age for young adult fiction right now, as YA authors today continue to take the genre in new and incredibly exciting directions. Indeed, young adult books have stepped up onto the literary stage as a powerful genre in its own right, creating role mo...
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6 Works of Speculative Fiction Set in Appalachia New Action-Adventure Sci-Fi and Fantasy Books 7 New Myth and Folklore Retellings View all » Authors Richard Price’s True Grit more...Tracey Lange, Drama Queen We Clearly Seem To Be Rewarding People Who Waste Energy: PW Talks with ...
His first story was published when he was only ten, and his first novel,Operation Bellows,about a WWII pilot, followed the next year. Since then, he has published several notable novels, includingThe Great Indian Novel,and over a dozen non-fiction books focused on Indian history, colonialism,...
2024 Winning Authors: BIBA Winners Book Of The Year Cover Design Illustration Fiction Action/Adventure Children's Christian Christian Inspirational Christian Living Christian Non-Fiction: Financial Wisdom Christian Young Adult Christian: Bible Study
Worlds Without End is a website dedicated to bringing you the best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror literature. We've built an extensive database of the best books, authors, and publishers. Our goal is to be the best resource around for SF/F/H novels. WWEnd is designed to help you ...
All these popular books on Public policy are sorted by popularity, so the highest rated books are at the top of the list. This well-researched Public policy bibliography includes out-of-print titles and generally contains the most popular, famous, or otherwise notable books - fiction or non-...
nonfiction and fiction, where there are so many books and topics it's impossible for any individual to make a call on what the best books are, we tend to interview the chair of distinguished prizes, as they have systematically gone through all the books published that year to choose the ...
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