InStardew Valley, your late grandfather leaves you with a farm in a great state of disrepair, and while you can’t change the state the farm is in, you do have a choice over what kind of farm it will be. This decision has huge implications on your farm’s terrain, spacing, and the...
Regardless of which farm type you choose, you can always turn your rundown land into a bountiful farm. Here’s a guide to the best farm layouts for each farm type from the Stardew Valley community. Best Standard farm layout in Stardew Valley Tidy and clean. Image via FarmsofStardewValley ...
In peaceful Stardew Valley, not all farms are created equal. Each farm comes with a different set of challenges. Whether you have your heart set on wooing that special someone or raising a chicken army, choosing the right farm offers a huge head start in fulfilling your Stardew Valley dreams...
Updated on October 10, 2021 by Ashely Claudino:Gathering wood in Stardew Valley can get old quickly if you're farming, it can take a while to reach that end goal if you're planning on doing a lot of crafting and asking Robin to build you some farm buildings. ...
This mod has not been updated for Stardew Valley 1.6 For those of us who really struggle to choose a farm type when starting a new farm, Farm Extended gives the standard farm benefits of all the specialty farms. The extended farm features dedicated areas for fishing, foraging, and mining ...
The Mining professions will ease your time in the mines. The best way to level up this skill is byusing your pickaxe to break rocks.When you start a new game, there will probably be tons of rocks on your farm; breaking these will give you experience toward your mining level. ...
Five of our favorite Stardew Valley farm layouts Your farm is what you make it – you want trees right in the middle? Sure. Barns at the bottom? Great. Why not move your farmhouse right over the other side near the water? Go right ahead! But with such freedom, maybe you need some ...
breathe new life into a game is to install mods that add more visual elements. TheMore Festive Stardew Valley modredesigns the vanilla farm buildings, town maps, outdoor tiles, and some sprites to create a more lively feel all year round, with different looks to reflect the in-game seasons...
There are hundreds of games on Google Play for you to choose from, so how do you filter out the best Android games? Whether you're looking for something that needs strategy, want to solve some puzzles or enjoy the simplicity of a first-person shooter, it can be tricky to find something...
Players hoping to speed things up in Stardew Valley should seek out these foods and drinks, all of which offer useful speed buffs.