Based on from the Filipino comic series written by Budjette Tan and illustrated by Kajo Baldisimo, "Trese" is set on the streets of modern Manila, the capital of the Philippines, where supernatural creatures are sequestered away in abandoned properties and sewers, and serve as members of gangs...
15 of the best places to go for Christmas - "From England to the Philippines, these 15 places around the world traditionally offer up some of the best holiday atmosphere for a Christmas-drenched vacation." 15 of the greatest US holidays - The Telegraph. 15 passport stamps to impress your ...
Josephine, Philippines Senkyoro Ryokan 8.6 Excellent Based on 44 reviews An enjoyable one night stay at a peaceful quiet ryokan. We stayed at a standard room without a private bath as it was not available on Agoda presumably due to the golden week. Room had a nice mountain view and was ...
DannafromPhilippines Group 1 Queen Bed, Non-Smoking, Superior Room Stayed 1 night in October 2024 Staff are not friendly and the hotel is in the boondocks” The hotel is average. The rooms are clean but quite small and it was difficult packing a suitcase because of the cramped space. The...
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Teresa C Metro Manila, Philippines1,572 contributions 0 Astonishing! The museum is well laid out with exhibits neatly labelled and documented. There were brief English snippets. Some good and effectively used digital displays. There's quite a range of ceramic pillows. The Han jade burial suit...
Everything in the line is made with pure, organic, 100 percent coconut oil that’s sustainably sourced from the Philippines. The product to try first? This natural body lotion—it’s infused with coconut to soften and hydrate skin but never feels greasy or sticky....
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(San Fernando, Philippines) 12/01/2011 ★★★ Hi Rebel... There is an easy way to detox arsenic. Much has already been said on the usefulness of Sodium Thiosulfate(ST) on this site for detoxing heavy metals. But ST is also used by the medical profession to help recover people sufferin...