Keller Dover (Hugh Jackman) faces a parent's worst nightmare when his 6-year-old daughter, Anna, and her friend go missing. The only lead is an old motorhome that had been parked on their street. The head of the investigation, Detective Loki (Jake Gyllenhaal), arrests the driver...
Keller Dover (Hugh Jackman) faces a parent's worst nightmare when his 6-year-old daughter, Anna, and her friend go missing. The only lead is an old motorhome that had been parked on their street. The head of the investigation, Detective Loki (Jake Gyllenhaal), arrests the driver...
Director Sachs never shows us their faces, and obfuscates their bodies with off-centered camera blocking, but the scene underscores the banality of sex as seen from a distance, even when the sex in question seems like the most important thing ever to happen to us at the time. —R...
The cast is filled with the bright, shiny, youthful faces of Ralph Macchio, Lowe, Swayze and others who grew up to be total teen heartthrobs.—Sara Fay Advertising 63. Freaky Friday (2003) Director: Mark WatersCast: Lindsay Lohan, Jamie Lee Curtis, Chad Michael MurrayBest quote: "I'm ...
The cast is filled with the bright, shiny, youthful faces of Ralph Macchio, Lowe, Swayze and others who grew up to be total teen heartthrobs.—Sara Fay Advertising 63. Freaky Friday (2003) Director: Mark WatersCast: Lindsay Lohan, Jamie Lee Curtis, Chad Michael MurrayBest quote: "I'm ...
The high-water mark ofJohn Woo’s stint in Hollywood,Face/Offis full of all the slo-mo action gunplay and doves you’d expect. The story – cop and gangster swap faces and lives during a protracted game of cat-and-mouse – is high-concept bordering on nonsensical. But what makes it...
the film works due to Takita’s quiet and measured tone. Takita’s brilliant symmetrical compositions juxtapose the harshness of death with the gentle treatment of the mortal remains. Takita also looks at the contrasts of an individual who repeatedly faces death and yet is in the process of cre...
it's largely set in a London basement with peeling walls and creaking floors, and it's edge-of-your-seat stuff as Bertie struggles to get a word out, and faces both the throne and the outbreak of war with less trepidation than he displays faced with a microphone or small audience. Stir...
"Bad Boys" was a Jerry Bruckheimer and Don Simpson blockbuster made in a time when the superproducers were a genre unto themselves. The stars of the film had TV faces, both of them hasty replacements forDana Carvey and Jon Lovitz. The director's biggest project to date was the "Got Milk...
something at once exhilarating and incendiary (it was one of the first contemporary movies where violence was reported at theater showings), and for anyone who’s seen it there are moments that remain indelible, from the gang in baseball uniforms and painted faces to the lethal taunt (“...