How about fabric softener or bleach, you ask? Absolutely no on both of these things. The bleach and fabric conditioner will damage the delicate microfibers in the cleaning cloths. Even a small amount is enough to greatly minimize a microfiber cloth’s ability to absorb water and pick up di...
ReddIt Copy URL Melissa Maker Melissa Maker is an entrepreneur, cleaning expert, founder of Toronto’s most popular boutique cleaning service, and star of the Clean My Space channel on YouTube (but she still hates to clean!). Every week, Melissa delivers new videos dishing expert advice on ...
Maintaining a clean home can feel like a losing battle at times because it's a job that's never truly done. However, those who do it full-time have found some great tricks to make some of the most arduous cleaning tasks more manageable. Recently, Reddit useru/Ilikefrogslet us in on ...
Maintaining a clean home can feel like a losing battle at times because it's a job that's never truly done. However, those who do it full-time have found some great tricks to make some of the most arduous cleaning tasks more manageable. Recently, Reddit useru/Ilikefrogslet us in on ...