However, at the height of its success, Chappelle made the unexpected decision to leave the show and retreat from the public eye, citing stress and dissatisfaction with the direction of his career. Despite his hiatus, Chappelle's influence on comedy remained unshaken. He made a triumphant retur...
“If you’re in the prison business, you don’t want reform. You may say you do. But you don’t.” Ava DuVernay’s eye-opening, at times harrowing,13this a pivotal documentary that explores the centuries-old criminalization of disenfranchised African American communities, but by way of t...
How to watch: Eye for an Eye is now streaming on Netflix. 10. The Irishman Credit: Netflix It’s Scorsese directing De Niro and Pacino, on screen together for the first time since 1995’s Heat! What more do you need to know? Perhaps some convincing is necessary, though, to get yo...
This list of the best sports books will highlight 40 must-read books for sports fans on a number of different sports topics. From Seabiscuit to the story of Nike to the young surfer girl who survived a shark attack, this list of the best sports books will cover a large spectrum, and e...
bone-conduction headphones mean that they can have their music and keep tabs on what’s going on around them too, since these don’t block their ears.We found that, while the sound quality isn’t as good as with typical headphones, it’s worth the tradeoff for the safety. Plus, the ...
Equal parts functional and fashionable, this MZ Wallace carryall is the ultimate workhorse because it can be carried by hand or converted into a backpack, and it has a spacious interior big enough for all your tennis essentials. Lauren Hubbard ...
As a renter, pet-owner, and woman living alone, Katie McEntire takes safety seriously. She’s tested devices like pet cameras, home security systems, and GPS trackers in her own home and devices in the name of safety. In addition to testing, writing, and reviewing for SafeWise, she also...
All six seasons of this ’70s sitcom are now streaming, bringing fans back to a show that was edgy at the time for its racial humor. Adapted by TV hitmaker Norman Lear from the British sitcomSteptoe and Son,Sanford and Sonopened the door for the many other Black-led sitcoms that came ...
Bifrost keeps things clean and straightforward yet appealing to the eye, perfect for online portfolios. Thefully responsiveand flexible tool lets your website operate smoothly on all devices and browsers. If you are ready to enhance your online presence, choose from one of the many pre-defined ...
On and off the field, Sean Bedford had it all. At least by the end of his college career, he did. He was sought after by Ivy League schools, but Georgia Tech's engineering program caught his eye and the ability to walk on the football team was an attractive option. So Bedford got ...