The best guide for Mewtwo ex deck in Pokemon TCG Pocket might be the need of the hour since it is currently one of the top meta decks in the game. This no-nonsense deck relies on setting up Mewtwo within five to six rounds and brute force its way past others. It is monotype and ...
Altering the typical Mewtwo ex deck to fit the new Mew ex meta is easy inPokémon TCG Pocket. You still have the powerful Mewtwo cards, but your Mew ex can come into play if you want to copy an opponent’s move set. To help get more Psychic Pokémon in your hand, use Mythical Slab...
Pikachu ex is also in a solid position with regards to resistances and weaknesses, based on where the competitive meta is at post-Mythical Island release. There aren’t too many Fighting-type decks stomping the competition right now, aside from Aerodactyl ex and Marowak ex. Even though there...
Altering the typical Mewtwo ex deck to fit the new Mew ex meta is easy inPokémon TCG Pocket. You still have the powerful Mewtwo cards, but your Mew ex can come into play if you want to copy an opponent’s move set. To help get more Psychic Pokémon in your hand, use Mythical Slab...
this pack is an incredible one for players, boasting a lot of strong cards like Dragapult ex. Given its lack of more nostalgic, familiar Pokemon in its alternate artwork lineup, however, this pack is unlikely to be as memorable as some of the other excellent packs released in Scarlet & Vi...
Best Decks in Pokemon Expanded Format 关注 00:00 / 36:50 自动 720P高清登录即享 480P清晰 360P流畅 自动(720P) 倍速 1 人正在看 , 0 条弹幕 请先登录或注册 弹幕礼仪 发送 3 投币收藏 分享 稿件投诉 记笔记 油管 精灵宝可梦 桌游棋牌 游戏 桌游棋牌 宝可梦 神奇宝贝 TCG 口袋妖怪 POKEMON ...
Dialga EX and Darkrai EX are the best bet for meta-staple cards, as both have abilities that work as an engine for other cards. Lucario from this pack also looks like a great addition to Fighting-type decks. Furthermore, Pokémon Communication looks to be a standout item from the set...
The Pokemon TCG meta has continuously evolved throughout 2023 and heads into the new year with a few key decks at the top. We break down the strongest decks in the 2024 Pokemon TCG meta
Heat Factory is a straightforward card in actuality. Once per turn, a player may discard Fire-type energy to draw three cards. That's it. However, despite its simplicity, Heat Factory is immensely powerful. This card mostly saw play as part of the meta decks using Blacephalon GX and the...
Cards like the Collapsed Stadium are in placeto counter popular decks like Terapagos exthat rely heavily on having large benches. TheUnfair Stamp Ace Spec is here as a failsafeif you get into a tricky spot. Once Charizard ex is up and running, it’s hard to stop it, but if you do ...