Book 'Em, DannoIn the entertainment industry, shows and movies about cops and lawyers are considered especially great. These are their stories. The Best Episodes of 'The Blacklist' Best Procedurals on Right Now The Most Brilliant TV Detectives The Best Police Procedurals The Best Show...
As billionaire playboy-turned-vigilante Oliver Queen, he battles a city’s corruption with his signature bow and arrow, helping to create a show that remains a cornerstone of the superhero genre on television. Premiered: October 10, 2012 Dig Deeper The Best Episodes of 'Arrow' Al...
“Mr. Lisa” is one in a long line of “The Simpsons go to another city/country and interact with the local sights” episodes —“Bart, get out of the Spirit of St. Louis” — and is precedent for many, many “Lisa against the world” (“Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy,”“Lisa the Vegeta...
The best thing aboutThe Midnight Gospelis that the episodes are standalone, lasting around 20 minutes each, and you can simply watch them in a random order depending on what you’re in the mood for. Its mind-bending and visually bizarre animation has no connection with the podcast whatsoever...
This movie provides an concurrent ending to the final two episodes of the show "Neon Genesis Evangelion" Genres: Animation, Comedy, Drama, Science Fiction. Country: Japan. Runtime: 1h 27m. Movie links: TrailerIMDbTMDb Watch movie: #27 Whisper of the Heart 1995Mimi wo sumaseba Director: ...
The show's tempo is relentless, and there's plenty for fans of tactical action to enjoy over the 48 episodes (so far) of "Fauda." First They Killed My Father If you enjoyed director Angelina Jolie’s style in “Unbroken,” you’ll probably love this historical thriller, based on the ...
In one of the most touching episodes of the first three seasons, this one starts with Michael driving to New York for his job interview at Dunder Mifflin corporate — on the wrong day. Not an auspicious start, and as you might guess, things get messier from there. Jim’s famous haircut...
If you want to sort this list by title or check the Tv Series (or separate episodes) you already seen, you can download All My Movies, open the collection and enjoy! The .amm file contains more details than listed below. For example, the database contains details about every episode in...
Debate among yourselves if this should be on the movie or TV list, but it’s still basically the same venture that was released in theaters, only slightly re-edited by Quentin Tarantino into episodes, so we say it’s a movie (and both versions of the film are now on Netflix). And ...
Dig Deeper The Best Episodes Of 'Bewitched,' Ranked And Deeper Behind-The-Scenes Stories Of 'Bewitched' Also ranks #1 on The Best Guilty Pleasure TV Shows IS IT WATCHWORTHY? 2 The Bugs Bunny Show Mel Blanc 74 votes Animated adventures of Bugs Bunny and his pals. Premiered: October 11, ...