李敏Liming WoF - DOUBLE MAGE INTO 4 SPELLSHIELDS?! - Grandmaster Storm League 17:28 奔波尔霸 Murky Octograb - IM BACK AGAIN! AND THEN BACK AGAIN BABY! - Grandmaster 22:33 屠夫Butcher Lamb - THIS ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE A GOOD BUTCHER GAME! - Grandmaster 16:11 缝合怪 Stitches Gorge ...
The combat is a 3rd person, stamina-based combat system, where timing is still key but the whole pace of the combat is quite a bit slower than Souls. There are three starting classes: Warrior, Cleric, and Rogue, which follow the general Strength, Mage, and Dexterity build archetypes of S...