Elf on the Shelf has become a lovable family tradition in countless households. The magic created by this sneaky little Elf delights children and adults alike. Your Elf on the Shelf experience is completely customizable, even down to the clothes and activities you find the Elf in. Whether your...
Elf on the Shelf Elf Pets: a Reindeer Tradition When Santa needs more Christmas spirit, he calls on this soft plush Elf on the Shelf reindeer and children all over the world to come to his rescue. As with all elf pets, kids love hugging them. Shop Now Elf on the Shelf Elf Pets: an...
Wondering how to name your Elf? Check out these cute and funny girl and boy Elf on the Shelf names to bring them to life.
Now that you’ve seen our top 5 recommendations, we’ll give you more detail on each of them, including why we liked them. When you’re ready, click the yellow button to get the best price on Amazon. #1 – The Elf on the Shelf An Elf’s Story Gingerbread House Kit by Cookies Unit...
Best Elf Ideas. From Elf on the Shelf return ideas to hilarious last-minute elf antics, you'll find months of fun ideas for your Christmas elf!
Can you name all of these Louisiana-themed 'Elf on a Shelf' memes? We'll admit, it took us a while on a few of them! Parents love sharing the magic of Christmas with their kids and a lot of them get into coming up with new and interesting situations for their elf to find themselv...
Elf on the Shelf is such a fun Christmas tradition that my family loves. My kids look forward to it every year and they light up each morning when they find their elf! If you’re looking for some idea inspiration, check out this list of thebest Elf on the Shelf ideas. And don’t ...
That little Elf on the Shelf can be naughty and nice. Central New Yorkers get pretty creative during the holiday season.
Elf on the Shelf Scavenger Hunt Get the entire set ofHoliday Scavenger Hunt Ideas. Our Pinterest communityand I would love to see how this worked out for you. Share your themed scavenger hunt ideas for adults, teens, and kids. Leave a comment here oron Pinterest!
Climb the wall using Christmas bows Give a hands-free printable note – teaching sharing with others If you need some inspiration for a creative place to set up your Scout Elf, take a look at The Elf on the Shelf Photos. We have moved all of our images to TheElf on the Shelf Ideas ...