This unique interaction plays on the Quicken reaction, which occurs simply when Dendro comes in contact with Electro. By inflicting Electro damage on an enemy immediately once more, it will cause the Aggravate reaction to occur, greatly increasing the damage done by that Electro attack. This can ...
1st AscensionStellar PredatorWhen Fischl hits Oz with a fully-charged Aimed Shot, Oz brings down Thundering Retribution, dealing AoE Electro DMG equal to 152.7% of the arrow's DMG. 4th AscensionUndone Be Thy Sinful HexIf your active character triggers an Electro-related Elemental Reaction when ...
Elements are a big part of Genshin Impact’s combat system and world. Each element has a different reaction when paired with other elements that cause certain buffs and debuffs during combat. For example, usingOverloadorElectro-Chargedis beneficial in elemental damage teams as it lets you deal...
Electro characters such as Yae Miko are great due to her consistent off-field damage and application. 5.5. Alhaitham Free-to-Play Team Main DPSSub DPSSub DPSSupport Alhaitham Dendro Traveler Lisa Barbara If you just started the game, but pulled for Alhaitham, you can use the Dendro ...
From one Archon to another: Raiden Shogun, the Electro Archon. Genshin Impact is a game where the quality of your support units is often more important than whatever DPS character you choose. Though there are stronger units, any unit is viable with the right team comp and well built support...
Another way to play Arlecchino is in the Overload team withChevreuse. Chevreuse increases ATK to nearby Pyro and Electro characters and lowers enemy RES to these elements after the character triggers an Overload reaction. To make the most of this team, useonly Pyro and Electro charactersbecause...
Genshin Impact Kuki Shinobu Build Sword Electro Arataki Gang 27/7 Tribulatio Demptio Violet Court The capable and reliable Arataki Gang deputy leader. Please note: capable and reliable are not appellations for the "Arataki Gang," but for their deputy leader in specific. ...
Electro damage bonus if you have one, then you'll want attack, energy recharge, crit rate, and crit damage. More elemental mastery will also boost her reaction damage and the power of her Sesshou Sakura, but it's worth considering whether you want to build her towards reaction or crit ...
we recommend the use of a Shielder like Albedo or Zhongli, or that of either a Charged Attack buffer or a Pyro Sub-DPS. Our top picks for the latter roles would beShenheandXianglingrespectively. Making use of characters like Fischl or Beidou to add the Electro-Charged rea...
As a Geo spellcaster, Ningguang constantly creates elemental shields through the Crystalize reaction. Her Jade Screen skill is also very useful, blocking enemy projectiles while allowing your characters to continue to fire through it. Razor This wolf boy is Genshin's go-to Electro damage-dealer du...