Focusing on the misadventures of two socially-awkward high school seniors seeking a wild night before graduation, this coming-of-age comedy is filled with outrageous moments and raunchy humor. With an unforgettable fake ID, a quest for alcohol, and run-ins with some bumbling police offic...
Focusing on the misadventures of two socially-awkward high school seniors seeking a wild night before graduation, this coming-of-age comedy is filled with outrageous moments and raunchy humor. With an unforgettable fake ID, a quest for alcohol, and run-ins with some bumbling police offi...
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If you haven’t seen Emma Seligman’s debut feature about a college student (Rachel Sennott) who runs into both her sugar daddy and her ex-girlfriend at a shiva for a family friend whose name she doesn’t even know, you’re making a grave mistake. Claustrophobic and messy to the point...
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What is the cap on drug prices for seniors? In 2025, all people with Medicare Part D will benefit from a $2,000 cap on annual out-of-pocket prescription drug costs. This is part ofThe Medicare Prescription Drug Inflation Rebate Programand the Inflation Reduction Act’s prescription drug pro...
When Emily turns up dead the next day, Brendan is sent on a chase around town and school looking for answers, and ends up uncovering a dangerous drug ring embeded in his school targeting students. Many films would take this teen detective story as a bit of a joke, but “Brick” plays ...
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Prescription drugs are pharmaceutical drugs that may not be dispensed without a legal medical prescription. Prescription drug addiction may be more common than illicit drug addiction. Top Resources View resources on how to find affordable treatment as well as options for parenting men and women who ...
Four teenage seniors make a pact to lose their virginity before they graduate, and what ensues is a raunchy comedy of adolescence. All four friends are at different places in their lives, but still have the V-card in common. Jim (Biggs) is the most inexperienced and awkward, so when he...