Very few 4-star Resonators in Wuthering Waves have the high combat prowess that Danjin possesses. She excels at dealing massive Havoc damage, has a self-healing ability, and her attacks exhibit multi-hit properties, which makes her an excellent companion to have in battle. Adding to Danji...
Rejuvenating Glow is the best Echo set for The Shorekeeper in Wuthering Waves. The two-piece set provides a 10% Healing bonus and the full five-piece set provides a party-wide 15% ATK bonus for 30 seconds after the unit heals an ally. Trending 2) Moonlit Clouds Moonlit Clouds (Image vi...
InWuthering Waves, Verina is a 5-star Spectro Rectifier character who you should definitely build if you have her. At launch, she is one of the besthealer and support charactersin the game. This guide will break down the bestWuthering WavesVerina build that utilizes her healing skills. Reco...
PlayingWuthering Waveson your Android and iOS devices can be challenging due to a multitude of performance issues, bugs, stuttering, and general optimization pains. Until performance and optimization patches roll out, there’s not much you can do to fix this besides having the best settings. Reco...
Best Sonata and Echoes for Verina in Wuthering Waves Given that Verina plays a support role, it’s essential to equip gear that caters to this category. TheBell-Borne Geocheloneis the best main Echo option for her, as it dramatically reduces damage reduction. It also offers a 10 perc...
Danjin– If you don’t have a five-star DPS,Danjinis a splendid four-star alternative because she can dish out ahuge amount of Havoc damageto all opponents. B-Tier Wuthering Waves characters Not the best, but they have their uses. Image via KuroGames ...
Wuthering Waves was unleashed on the Steam Deck, but only for one day Updates giveth, updates taketh away You'll also want to focus on swapping characters strategically when Baizhi's on your team. Her Intro skill will heal everybody on your team, buther Outro skill only heals the next cha...
Wuthering Waves was unleashed on the Steam Deck, but only for one day Updates giveth, updates taketh away For this,build her a team that boosts her skillsetwith Outro Skills that benefit her playstyle, like Sanhua or Mortefi. Or, if you want to keep her in a support role, her ability...
“Wuthering Heights” by Emily Bronte – A moody painting of Heathcliff and Catherine, with a backdrop of the wild moors of England. “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley – A futuristic illustration of the dystopian world of the novel, with a background of towering skyscrapers and high-tech...
To show just how strong she is, here’sthe best Yinlin buildinWuthering Waves. How to build Yinlin inWuthering Waves The new Electro queen is here. Image via KuroGames Yinlinis an Electro unit inWuthering Waves, specializing in dealing quick and burst Electro damage. Her main role isquick...