Ranked By 1.9K votes 214 voters 1 reranks Voting Rules Vote up the country songs that best sum up your feelings about work. The best country songs about work celebrate the working person – someone who gives everything they have to their job. Or at least shows up, takes some pride in...
Ranked By 33.9K votes 5.3K voters 10 reranks Voting Rules Since there aren't a ton of songs just about stars in the sky, we've included songs below with the alternate meaning of the word star as well. Are you mesmerized by the celestial dance of the night sky or captivated by the ...
Northwestern University is the top-ranked Big Ten school in a conference that dominates academically and athletically.
If you’re keen to mix up your movie-watching diet, films don't come more unconventional thanApollo 10 1/2: A Space Age Childhood. Linklater's (Boyhood) 2022 animated feature, which tells the story of the 1969 moon landing from multiple perspectives, is a sweet and nostalgic visual feast...
In the season 6 final episode, Tommy returns to his burning wagon where all of the mementos important enough to carry with him are consumed by flames. He mounts his white horse and departs. "All the Tired Horses," a Bob Dylan song rendered by Lisa O'Neill, plays over the final scene...
The final entry in Dylan’s Christian trilogy is worth it for two songs alone: “Lenny Bruce,” a piano ballad ode to the late counterculture comedian; and “Every Grain of Sand,” the immensely powerful song about life, love, faith, and death. Emmylou Harris and Sheryl Crow performed it...
EnterPaste—our TV writers are ready to assist in helping you find what you need. Below we’ve ranked 50 of the best TV shows on Netflix, but it’s just a start. Bookmark this page and come back as more series are added to Netflix (and some may be taken away) each month. And...
Striking out on their own after working as Bob Dylan's backing band, they nevertheless employed Dylan's help - he co-wrote five of the songs on this, but the rest - including the laidback style, was all their own. Hugely influential for fellow artists including Pink Floyd, George Harrison...
Songs like the hissing “West Coast” and jazzy “Shades of Cool” rank among her best, while “Pretty When You Cry” and, appropriately enough, “Sad Girl” are seminal emo-anthems. But the project also hinted at the twists and turns to come with a stunning Nina Simone cover, the ...
They each sent in a ranked list of their top 50 songs, and we tabulated the results.Nearly 4,000 songs received votes. Where the 2004 version of the list was dominated by early rock and soul, the new edition contains more hip-hop, modern country, indie rock, Latin pop, reggae, and ...