In A Walk Among the Tombstones, Liam Neeson plays a former cop turned private investigator who is hired to find the kidnappers of a drug kingpin's wife. The film is a dark and gritty thriller with Neeson's character facing dangerous obstacles and uncovering a dark and disturbing plot. R...
Dig Deeper's Hollywood's 'Get Rich Quick!' Movies 46 Deep Cover Laurence Fishburne, Jeff Goldblum, Victoria Dillard 31 votes David Jason (Jeff Goldblum) is the biggest drug dealer in Los Angeles, and Russell Stevens (Larry Fishburne) is an undercover cop who wants to bring...
the film shows how he infiltrated drug kingpin Pablo Escobar’s cartel and exposed it. The film also shows how his actions led to the shutdown of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, involved in massive financial
It all begins when a drug drop goes wrong, and drug kingpin Syd White (Liotta, in his final role) has to track bag after bag of coke down through the Chattahoochee–Oconee National Forest. Except he sends his employees Daveed (Jackson Jr.) and Eddie (Ehrenreich), the latter of whom ...
A S.W.A.T. team — including an officer (Iko Uwais) with a personal stake in the mission — must capture a drug kingpin who lives an apartment tower’s penthouse suite in Jakarta. Each floor in the building, however, is filled with henchmen ready to pick off the cops one by one....
up. And, finally, there is the scene in the southwestern commune that unintentionally exposes the pretentiousness of the ritualized dope culture of the period. (Smoking in front of your toddlers – yikes!) As a druggie bonus, there’s an early cameo by Phil Spector as a coke kingpin. ...
74. Kingpin (1996) Film Comedy ‘You’re on a gravy train with biscuit wheels.’ Directors: Peter Farrelly, Bobby Farrelly Cast: Woody Harrelson, Randy Quaid, Bill Murray The laugh rate may lag slightly behind the Farrellys' twin masterpieces Dumb and Dumber and There’s Something About Mary...
74. Kingpin (1996) Film Comedy ‘You’re on a gravy train with biscuit wheels.’ Directors: Peter Farrelly, Bobby Farrelly Cast: Woody Harrelson, Randy Quaid, Bill Murray The laugh rate may lag slightly behind the Farrellys' twin masterpieces Dumb and Dumber and There’s Something About Mary...
In the mid-1980s, a US Customs agent discovers that a money laundering ring has the infamous Colombian drug kingpin Pablo Escobar as its center. The agent is assigned to pose as a crooked businessman to infiltrate Escobar’s circle to find the evidence that will put him away. ...
Before they can think about stepping away for good, they’ll have to contend with someone from Mike’s past, Isabel “La Bruja” Aretas (Kate del Castillo). Isabel is the widow of a drug kingpin, and she’s sent her son, Armando Aretas (Jacob Scipio), to Miami to wipe out their en...